Это не значит, что нужно совсем убирать систему наказаний. Просто нужно знать предел. Если учитель жесток по отношению к ученикам, то дети ненавидят его и не хотят учиться. Я считаю, что должна быть золотая середина. Но где она - я сейчас не знаю.
This does not mean you have to completely remove penalties. Just need to know the limit. If the teacher is cruel towards students, the kids hate it and do not want to learn. I believe that there should be a happy medium. But where she's now I don't know.
This does not mean you have to completely clean up the system of punishments. You just need to know the limit. If the teacher is cruel to the students, the kids hate it and do not want to learn. I think that should be a happy medium. But where is it - I do not know now.
This does not mean that you should not clean system of sanctions. Just need to know how to limit. Conversely if a teacher in relation to pupils, the children hate it and do not want to learn. I believe that must be the middle way.But where it is - I do not know.