Существует мнение, что люди готовы на все ряди того, чтобы стать знаменитыми. Это довольно интересная точка зрения, однако я думаю, что все обстоит не совсем так.
В 1943 году Абрахам Маслоу выдвинул свою теорию мотивации, в которой поделил потребности человека на 7 ступеней, и образовал из них пирамиду. Согласно этой пирамиде признание со стороны других и известность относятся к высшим человеческим потребностям, это означает, что у большинства людей в мире желания находятся на уровне: поесть, поспать, быть в безопасности, и быть любимыми.То есть у них нет этого желания быть знаменитыми, а раз нет желания, то нет и преград, потому что преграды появляются после желания.Преграды находятся вне зоны комфорта человека, увы, но серое большинство никогда из нее не выйдет, даже если у них вдруг оно появится. Но есть где-то около 35% людей, которые действительно хотят славы. Слава бывает разной. Зрелые, духовно развитые люди не станут прославлять себя с помощью глупостей. Или станут? Многие актеры играют дурачков, и это приносит им славу, хотя на самом деле они очень глубокие и умные люди. Слава которую они заслужили относится к их таланту, или к героям которых они сыграли? Я думаю, она делится поровну.
Вообще вопросы, связанные с человеческой природой довольно сложные. В мире нет и не может быть двух одинаковых людей, а значит не может быть однозначного ответа на вопрос о славе. Ответ в большинстве случаев субъективный, основанный на опыте человека. Я думаю людей готовых пойти на все ради славы – меньшинство. Но знаем мы таких много, потому что они добились славы, а все остальные нет.
Results (
English) 1:
There is a perception that people are willing to do anything in order to become famous. This is quite an interesting point of view, but I think that things are not quite so.In the year 1943 Abraham Maslow proposed his theory of motivation in which shared human needs on the 7 steps, and they formed a pyramid. According to this pyramid recognition by others and fame are the higher human needs, this means that most people in the world are: the desire to eat, sleep, be safe, and be loved. that is, they do not have the desire to be famous, but again there is no desire, there is no impediment, because the barriers appear when the obstacles are out of the desires. comfort zone manAlas, but gray never out of it, most will not leave, even if they appear suddenly. But there are somewhere around 35% of people who really want fame. Glory is different. Mature, spiritually developed people will not glorify himself by stupid things. Or will? Many actors are fools, and it brings them fame, although in fact they are very deep and smart people. The glory which they have earned their talent, or the characters they played? I think it is divided equally.General questions related to human nature quite complex. In the world there can be no two people are alike and therefore cannot be a definite answer to the question about fame. The answer, in most cases, subjective, based on the experience of the person. I think people are ready to go at all for the glory is in the minority. But we know such a lot because they have achieved fame, and all others are not.
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Results (
English) 2:
There is a perception that people are willing to cooperate for all in order to become famous. This is a very interesting point of view, but I think that things are not quite so.
In 1943, Abraham Maslow proposed his theory of motivation, which divided the human needs on 7 stages, and formed a pyramid of them. According to this pyramid recognition from others and are known to the higher human needs, which means that the majority of people in the world are at the level of desire: to eat, to sleep, to be safe, and be lyubimymi.To there they do not have this desire to be famous and if there is no desire, there is no obstacle, because the obstacles appear after zhelaniya.Pregrady are out of your comfort zone a person, alas, but never gray majority of it will not work, even if they suddenly it appears. But there is somewhere around 35% of people who really want fame. Glory be different. Mature, spiritually advanced people will not glorify yourself with stupid. Or become? Many actors are idiots, and it brings them fame, when in fact they are very deep and intelligent people. They deserve the glory belongs to their talent, or to the characters they played? I think it is equally divided.
In general issues related to human nature rather complex. In the world, there can be no two people are alike, and therefore can not be a clear answer to the question of glory. In most cases the answer subjective, based on human experience. I think people are ready to do anything for fame - a minority. But we know there are many, because they have achieved glory, and all the others do not.
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