спасибо за ответ и указание на ошибку да, этот ПСП для Казахстана. Я его переделала и отправила для утверждения. Прошу отклонить ПСП для Каукара и удалить ПСП 35548, так как произошла ошибка
Thanks for the reply and the indication errorYes, this cap for Kazakhstan. I redid it and sent for approval.Ask reject cap for Kaukara and remove 35548 FFH because an error occurred
thanks for the reply, and error indication yes, the SRP for Kazakhstan. I redid it, and sent for approval. Please reject the CAP and remove Kaukara CAP 35548, as an error occurred
thank you for reply and a mistake. yeah, this cap for kazakhstan. i turned and sent for approval. please reject uip for каукара and remove the cap 35548, as there was a mistake