Ученые нашли доказательства того, что собаки могут «читать» эмоции своих хозяев. Это первая демонстрация способности животных интерпретировать голос и выражения лица представителей другого биологического вида (Homo sapiens). О своем эксперименте биологи рассказали на страницах журнала Biology Letters.
Ученые испытали 17 взрослых собак различных пород — насколько хорошо те способны «считывать» эмоции по выражению лица и голоса людей и других собак. Каждая особь приняла участие в двух сеансах (по десять заданий в каждом). Животным показывали экраны с изображениями счастливых людей и собак (или тех же существ в состоянии раздражения и злости).
Одновременно с демонстрацией картинок собакам проигрывали звуки — голоса рассерженного или радостного человека (и собаки). Чтобы исключить реакцию животных на слова известного им английского языка, запись голоса человека была сделана на португальском.
В большинстве опытов (67 процентов) собаки гораздо дольше смотрели на изображение, если выражение лица (морды) на нем совпадало с выраженными в голосе эмоциями. Эта закономерность не зависела от того, кто был представлен на экране — человек или собака, а также от пола человека.
Способность читать намерения и чувства по лицу является важным подспорьем для выживания. Чем лучше собака умеет это делать, тем выше ее шансы получить от человека защиту, жилье и пищу. Селекционное разведение (выведение новых пород) должно было стимулировать развитие этой способности в популяции собак, считают ученые. Ранее данную способность отмечали только среди приматов.
В 2015 году биологи выяснили, что дружба между человеком и собакой стала возможной благодаря тому, что на биохимическом уровне они использовали механизм, усиливающий теснейшую биологическую связь — между матерью и ребенком. Тесный контакт между собакой и человеком обеспечивается «гормоном любви» окситоцином.
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Results (
English) 1:
Scientists have found evidence that dogs can "read" the emotion of their masters. This is the first demonstration of the ability of animals to interpret the voice and facial expressions as representatives of another species (Homo sapiens). About your experiment, biologists told the journal Biology Letters.Researchers tested 17 adult dogs of various breeds — how well those are able to "read" the emotion on the expression of faces and voices of people and other dogs. Each individual participated in two sessions (10 quests in each). The animals showed screens with images of happy people and dogs (or those same beings in a State of irritation and anger).At the same time with demonstration pictures dogs lost sounds: voices of disgruntled or joyful person (and dogs). To exclude reactions of animals on them words of known English human voice recording was made on the Portuguese.In most experiments (67 per cent) dogs much longer stared at the image, if the expression of the face (muzzle) on it coincided with pronounced in the voice of emotions. This pattern is not dependent on who was introduced on the screen — a person or dog, as well as of gender in the human species.The ability to read the intentions and feelings on the face is an important tool for survival. The better the dog can do it, the better the chances of getting from human protection, shelter and food. Selective breeding (development of new breeds) was to stimulate the development of this ability in a population of dogs, scientists believe. Previously, the ability of the celebrated only among primates.In the year 2015, the biologists found that the friendship between man and dog became possible due to the fact that the biochemical level, they used a mechanism that reinforces the intrinsic biological link between mother and child. Close contact between dog and man is provided by "love hormone" oxytocin.< Back to category
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Results (
English) 2:
Scientists have found evidence that dogs can "read" the emotions of their owners. This is the first demonstration of the ability of animals to interpret the voice and facial expressions representatives of another species (Homo sapiens). On his experiment, biologists told the journal Biology Letters.
The researchers tested 17 adult dogs of various breeds - how well they are able to "read" emotions in facial expressions and voices of people and other dogs. Each individual participated in two sessions (ten jobs each). Animal shows screens with images of happy people and dogs (or of the same things in a state of irritation and anger).
At the same time a demonstration of the dogs play sound pictures - angry or joyful voices of people (and dogs). To exclude animals reaction to the words of the English language known to them, the human voice recording was made in Portuguese.
In most experiments (67 percent) is much longer than the dog looked at the picture, if expression (muzzle) it coincides with the expression of emotions in his voice. This pattern did not depend on who was represented on the screen - a man or a dog, as well as the gender of the person.
The ability to read the intentions and feelings of a person is an important tool for survival. The more a dog is able to do, the higher its chances to get on the protection of human, shelter and food. Selective breeding (development of new breeds) was to stimulate the development of this ability in the dog population, scientists say. Earlier this ability to draw only among primates.
In 2015, biologists have discovered that the friendship between man and dog was made possible by the fact that at the biochemical level, they used a mechanism that reinforces the close biological relationship - between mother and child. Close contact between the dog and the man provided "love hormone" oxytocin.
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