. Страна с наибольшим количеством людей, сидящих за решеткой: США. Если появится шанс упечь кого-нибудь в каталажку, эта страна тут же им воспользуется. 5% населения нашей планеты проживает в США, а 25%, около 2,2 млн. человек, сидят в их тюрьмах. На втором месте наша необъятная Родина Россия – страна с наименьшим числом оправдательных приговоров – 1,5 млн. Почетное третье место занимает Китай, здесь содержатся в заключении 870 тысяч человек.
Results (
English) 2:
. The country with the highest number of people sitting behind bars: the United States. If you get a chance to throw someone in jail, the country immediately take advantage of them. 5% of the world's population lives in the US, and 25%, about 2.2 million. People sit in their prisons. In the second place, our Motherland Russia - a country with the smallest number of acquittals - 1.5 million. The third place is China, there have been detained 870,000 people.
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Results (
English) 3:
. Country with the most number of people, sitting behind the front grille: the United States. If you see a chance was dismissed someone in каталажку, this country immediately they exploited. 5% of the world's population lives in the US, and the 25 %, about 2.2 million.People, sitting in their prisons. On the second place our SPLM Motherland Russia is the country with the lowest number of acquittals - 1.5 million. The Honorable third place took a China,Here are kept in detention 870 of thousands of people.
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