Сосэки НацумэВаш покорный слуга котПеревод Л. Коршикова, А. Стругацког translation - Сосэки НацумэВаш покорный слуга котПеревод Л. Коршикова, А. Стругацког English how to say

Сосэки НацумэВаш покорный слуга кот

Сосэки Нацумэ
Ваш покорный слуга кот

Перевод Л. Коршикова, А. Стругацкого

Оглавление [Следующая часть]


«Ваш покорный слуга кот» («Вагахай ва нэко дзару»)... Уже в самом названии повести скрыт тонкий юмор. Эта короткая фраза звучит так по-старомодному учтиво, будто читателям представляется некий грамотей, искушенный в книжной премудрости. И не удивительно: заговорил кот школьного учителя.

Наслушавшись в доме своего хозяина умных разговоров о новых течениях современной мысли, в первую очередь о модном индивидуализме и о «сверхчеловеке», он возомнил себя существом необыкновенным, подлинным «сыном двадцатого века». Комизм ситуации, как в «Путешествиях Гулливера» Свифта, состоит в том, что карлик меряет великана меркой своего малого мира с полным чувством собственного превосходства. Хозяин кажется коту «придурковатым», выходки, чудачества хозяина – верх нелепости. Карлик не владеет ключом к душе великана. Но это верно только в том случае, если существо из малого «кошачьего» мирка встречается с подлинно большим человеком. «Не все люди – люди» – таков подтекст повести.

Один из самых действенных приемов сатиры состоит в том, чтобы перенести явления, которые кажутся «большими», «великими», в какой-нибудь «малый мир» и тем самым лишить их мнимой, иллюзорной значительности, развенчать их, заставить над ними смеяться.

Когда кот в битве с мышами объявляет себя адмиралом Того, то смешон не только кот: прежде всего смешон адмирал Того. Показывая японское общество своего времени в плане пародии и гротеска, писатель словно поворачивает бинокль уменьшительной стороной. Наивные суждения кота не только забавляют, они дают с особой силой почувствовать нелепость окружающей жизни.

Повесть начинается в тонах мягкого юмора и перерастает в гневную сатиру свифтовского масштаба, «облитую горечью и злостью». Гулливер по рукам и ногам связан лилипутами. Шутка больше не в силах замаскировать трагедию, скрыть гнев и отчаяние. Главный герой повести учитель Кусями – это сам автор. В душном «кошачьем» мирке обывателей задыхается человек большого ума и сердца, замечательный писатель-гуманист Нацумэ Сосэки. Со всех сторон его теснят животные в образе людей: пошляки, толстосумы, всякая мелкая продажная тварь; но он бьет своих врагов, сильно бьет острым оружием слова, оружием сатиры, и эхо ударов разносится по всей Японии.

«Ваш покорный слуга кот» – первая большая сатирическая повесть в японской литературе нового времени.

Нацумэ Сосэки родился 5 января того самого 1867 года, когда молодой буржуазной Японии удалось наконец бурным натиском прорвать обветшалую плотину феодализма. Но взбаламученные волны скоро успокоились. Возникло буржуазно-монархическое государство, слегка подкрашенное умеренным, вполне благопристойным либерализмом. Император Мэйдзи позировал в роли «просвещенного государя», покровителя науки и искусства, сам сочинял стихи. Он считался «потомком богов на земле». При новом режиме нашли себе место под солнцем и старые феодалы, влившиеся в ряды правящей дворянской бюрократии, и деятели промышленного капитализма. Но многие «мелкие люди» потеряли свои хлебные места в результате последовавших после буржуазной революции преобразований, растерялись, ожесточились. Среди них оказался и отец Нацумэ Сосэки. При феодальном режиме он занимал наследственную должность «нануси» – старшины в одной из общин города Эдо (Токио). Должность эта приносила ему немалые доходы. Он не сумел приспособиться к новым порядкам, семья обеднела. Будущий писатель появился на свет в «день обезьяны» по старому японскому календарю. Старинное поверье гласило, что родившийся в этот день становится вором. Беду можно было отвести, дав ребенку имя, в состав которого входит иероглиф «Кин» (деньги). Мальчика нарекли Кинноскэ (имя Сосэки является литературным псевдонимом писателя). Престарелые родители не обрадовались появлению нового, шестого по счету, ребенка и отдали его в чужую семью. Им распоряжались как вещью. Супруги, усыновившие Кинноскэ, через несколько лет разошлись, и родителям волей-неволей пришлось взять сына обратно. Для них он был нежеланной обузой, лишним ртом.

В повести «Мальчуган» Нацумэ Сосэки с горьким юмором вспоминает собственное детство. Позднее он рассказал о нем снова в очерках «Сквозь стеклянную дверь». Отец и мать любили только старших детей. Как-то раз ночью служанка из жалости к заброшенному ребенку тихонько шепнула ему на ухо несколько участливых слов, и он помнил о них всю свою жизнь. В писателе рано проявилась одаренность, но в окружающей мещанской среде он ни в ком не встречал понимания.

Еще в школьные годы Сосэки полюбил литературу. Он рассказывает в своих воспоминаниях («Вспоминая свое первое произведение»):

«В возрасте пятнадцати – шестнадцати лет я пристрастился к литературе, читая китайских классиков и романы. Захотелось сочинять и самому, но когда я сказал об этом своему, ныне покойному, брату, он разбранил меня, заявив, что литература не может считаться серьезным занятием, это не более чем приятная забава».

Надо сказать, что такой взгляд на литературу был широко распространен в старое феодальное время и исчез далеко не сразу.

В сентябре 1888 года Сосэки поступил на подготовительное отделение Токийского университета. Там он познакомился с поэтом Масаока Сики (1867–1902). Дружба с ним сыграла очень важную роль в жизни Сосэки. Масаока Сики не только сам был талантливым поэтом-новатором, он умел чутьем находить талант и в других, будить его, поощрять. Постепенно он собрал вокруг себя многочисленную г
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Soseki NatsumeYours truly the catTranslated By L. Koršikova, A. StrugatskyTable of contents [next section]Preface"Your humble servant of the cat" ("Vagahaj WA Neko Zaru") to ... In the title story is hidden a subtle humor. This short phrase sounds so old-fashioned courtesy, though readers appear to be some gramotej, practiced in the book of wisdom. And no wonder: talking cat school teacher.After hearing in the House of his master the smart talk of new currents of contemporary thought, particularly on the trendy individualism and of "Superman," he imagines himself being unusual, true "son of the twentieth century". Comic situations, as in "Gulliver's Travels" Swift is that dwarf takes a giant size of his small world with a full sense of their own superiority. The owner seems like a cat "," silly antics, the eccentric master-top absurdity. The dwarf holds the key to the soul of a giant. But this is true only if the small creature "cat" Mirka is a truly great man. "Not all people are people"-that is the implication of the story.One of the most effective techniques of satire is to transfer the phenomena that appear to be "big", "great", in a "small world" and thereby deprive them of imaginary, illusory significance, debunk them, make them laugh.When the cat in the battle with the mice declares himself Admiral of the ridiculous not only cat: first of all, The Admiral is ridiculous. Featuring Japanese society of its time in terms of parody and the grotesque, as if the writer turns a pair of binoculars, a short side. Naïve judgments cat not only amusing, they give a strong sense of the absurdity of life.The story begins in tones of gentle humor and turns into an angry satire sviftovskogo scale, "poured bitterness and anger." Gulliver on the hands and feet is liliputami. The joke is no longer able to cover up the tragedy, hide anger and despair. The protagonist of the story the teacher Kusâmi is the author. In a stuffy "cat's ' world of Philistines choking man big heart and mind, a wonderful writer-humanist Natsume Soseki. On all sides it impacted animal in the image of the people: the nincompoops, moneybags, any small selling creation; but it beats its enemies, an acute arms words, weapons of satire, and the echo of strikes is spread throughout Japan."Your humble servant of the cat" is the first great satirical novel in Japanese literature of the time.Natsume Soseki was born on 5 January 1867 a year when young bourgeois Japan finally managed to break through the onslaught of rapid decayed dam feudal. But vzbalamučennye wave soon calmed down. A bourgeois-monarchic State, slightly podkrašennoe, it blagopristojnym a moderate liberalism. Emperor Meiji was posing as enlightened monarch ", patron of science and art, he composed verses. He was a descendant of the gods on Earth. " Under the new regime have found their place in the Sun and the old feudal lords, integrated into the ranks of the ruling nobility of the bureaucracy, and figures of industrial capitalism. But many of the "small people" lost their bread place as a result of the subsequent transformation of the bourgeois revolution, confused, hardened. Among them was father of Natsume Soseki. The feudal mode he held the hereditary post of "nanusi"-the elders in a community of Edo (Tokyo). This post brought him considerable income. He failed to adjust to the new order, the family impoverished. The future writer was born in monkey day according to the old Japanese calendar. An old legend that the born on this day becomes a thief. Trouble can withdraw by giving the child a name consisting of the character "kin" (money). A boy called Kinnoskè (the name of Soseki is a literary pseudonym of the writer). Elderly parents are not happy with the appearance of a new, sixth child and gave it to someone else's family. It was run as a thing. The couple, who have adopted Kinnoskè, within a few years, broke up, and parents perforce had to take her son back. For them it was an unwelcome burden, more than the mouth.In the story of "Boy" Natsume Soseki with bitter humor recalls his own childhood. He later told about it again in the essays "through the glass door. Mother and father loved only older children. Once the night maid of pity for an abandoned child quietly whispered in his ear a few sensitive lay words, and he remembered about them all my life. In the writer's early talent manifested itself, but in the bourgeois environment, it may not come across in the understanding.Even at school, grew fond of Soseki literature. He recounts in his memoirs ("Remembering their first work"):"At the age of fifteen to sixteen years I have been addicted to reading Chinese classics, literature and novels. I wanted to compose himself, but when I said this to her, now deceased, to his brother, he razbranil me, saying that literature cannot be considered as a serious pastime, is nothing more than good fun. "I must say that this view of literature has been widely circulated in the old feudal times and faded away immediately.In September 1888, Sōseki entered the Preparatory Department of the University of Tokyo. There he became acquainted with the poet Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902). Friendship with him played a very important role in the life of Soseki. Masaoka Shiki not only himself was a talented poet-innovator, he was able to find talent and flair in the other, wake him up, encourage. Gradually, he gathered around him a large,
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Soseki Natsume
I Am a Cat Translation Korshikova L., A. Strugatsky Contents [Next Part] Preface "I Am a Cat" ("Vagahay wa neko zaru") ... Already in the title of the story is hidden subtle humor. This short phrase sounds so old-fashioned courtesy, as if the reader seems a scholar, versed in the book of wisdom. And no wonder: the cat spoke school teacher. After hearing the house of his host of clever talk about new trends of modern thought, especially for trendy individualism and the "superman", he imagines himself being extraordinary, true "son of the twentieth century." The funny side of the situation, as in "Gulliver's Travels" Swift is a dwarf that measures the standards of its giant small world with a full sense of their own superiority. The owner of the cat seems "silly" tricks, owner eccentricities - the height of absurdity. Dwarf not hold the key to the soul of a giant. But this is true only if the creature from a small "cat" microcosm meets with truly great man. "Not all people - people" - this is the subtext of the story. One of the most effective methods of satire is to bring the phenomena that seem to be "big", "great", in some "small world" and thus deprive them of the imaginary illusory significance, to debunk them, get to laugh at them. When a cat in the battle with the mice proclaims himself Admiral Togo, is not only funny cat: first of all funny Admiral Togo. Featuring a Japanese society of his time in terms of parody and the grotesque, as if the writer turns binoculars diminutive side. Naive judgments cat is not only amusing, they give a special force to feel the absurdity of life around them. The story begins in the soft tones of humor and satire turns into an angry Swift scale, "bathed in bitterness and anger." Gulliver hands and feet bound Lilliputians. The joke is no longer able to mask the tragedy, to hide the anger and despair. The protagonist of the story the teacher Kusyami - is the author himself. In the stuffy "cat" little world inhabitants suffocated a man of great mind and heart, a great humanist writer Natsume Soseki. On all sides its close animals in the form of people: vulgar, moneybags, every small thing selling; but he has his enemies, smashes a sharp weapon words weapon of satire, and the echo of strokes spreads throughout Japan. "I Am a Cat" - the first great satirical novel in the Japanese modern literature. Natsume Soseki was born on January 5 that same 1867, when a young bourgeois Japan finally managed to break through the rapid onslaught of dilapidated dam feudalism. But Troubled waves soon calmed down. There was a bourgeois-monarchical state, slightly tinted moderate liberalism is quite respectable. Emperor Meiji posed as "enlightened sovereign", the patron of science and art, he wrote poetry. He was considered "a descendant of the gods on earth." When the new regime found itself a place under the sun and the old feudal lords, merged with the ranks of the ruling aristocratic bureaucracy and figures of industrial capitalism. But a lot of "small people" lost their place as a result of grain followed the transformation of the bourgeois revolution, confused, blinded. Among them was the father Natsume Soseki. When the feudal regime, he held the position of hereditary "nanusi" - one of the elders in the community of the city of Edo (Tokyo). This post brought him considerable income. He was not able to adapt to the new order, the family impoverished. The future writer was born in "the day of the monkey," the old Japanese calendar. The old belief was that born in this day becomes a thief. Trouble could take, giving the child a name, which includes the character "Kin" (money). Boy named Kinnoske (name Soseki is the pen name of the writer). Elderly parents were not happy emergence of a new, sixth, the baby and put him into someone else's family. They disposed of as a thing. Spouses who have adopted Kinnoske a few years gone, and the parents had no choice but to take his son back. For them it was an unwanted burden, more than the mouth. In the story "The little boy," Natsume Soseki with a bitter humor recalls his own childhood. Later, he spoke about it again in the essay "Through the glass door." The father and mother loved only older children. Once night servant out of pity for the abandoned baby softly whispered in his ear a few sympathetic words, and he remembers them all his life. The writer developed an early talent, but in the surrounding bourgeois environment it is in no one did not meet understanding. In school years Soseki loved literature. He tells in his memoirs ("Remembering his first work"): "At the age of fifteen - sixteen years I was addicted to literature, reading Chinese classics and novels. I wanted to write and myself, but when I mentioned it to his now deceased brother, he scolded me, saying that literature can not be considered a serious occupation, is nothing more than a pleasant fun. " I must say that this view of literature has been widely common in the old feudal time and not immediately disappeared. In September 1888 Soseki entered the preparatory department of the University of Tokyo. There he became acquainted with the poet Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902). Friendship with him played a very important role in the life of Soseki. Masaoka Shiki himself was not only a talented poet and innovator, he was able to find talent and flair in others, to wake him, encouraged. Gradually, he gathered around him numerous g

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Teach English at a junior high school there to Matsuyama after graduating from university
your faces cote

Transfer L. They, as well. Стругацкого

table of contents (the next part of]lord Preface

"Your faces cote" ( "Вагахаи va which has been making this type дзару") ... Already in the very names lead hidden a thin humor.This short phrase sounds so on-liberal world politeness, though readers seem to be a slant грамотеи, uncomfortable in the portrait being brainwashed. And it is not surprising: Winston cote school teachers.

Nanking in the house his master smart talk of the new currents of thought, in the first instance on the trendy individualism and the "сверхчеловеке", he proclaiming themselves amazing creature,A true "son of the twentieth century". Seem situations, such as in the "travel writer" moral sense, is that dwarf lawyer asks to change deeply unhappy yardstick of its small world with a full sense of their own superiority.I think cot "придурковатым", threatsâ, inflammatory master - top ridiculous extent. Dwarf does not own the key to the soul deeply unhappy. But this is true only in the event thatIf a creature from a small "site" is agreeing with a truly great man. "Not all people - people" - is implied lead.lord one of the most effective techniques satire is to transfer phenomenon,That may seem "large", "great", to a "small world" and thus deprive them of their imaginary, illusory significance, invalidate them, to make them laugh.

When cote in the battle with mice declare themselves by Admiral Togo, are struggling not only cote: first of all are struggling Admiral Togo. Showing the Japanese society of its time in the fake and Aija,A writer like turns binoculars уменьшительнои party. The naive judgments kota not only curious, they provide with particular force feel ridiculous environmental life.

A tale begins in soft colors with good humor and satire erupt into an angry свифтовского scale, "deftly cutting sadness and злостью". Gulliver's hands and feet is associated лилипутами. Joke is no longer in force to disguise tragedy,Hide anger and despair. The main heroes lead teacher Кусями - this is the author. In areas "кошачьем" build charts vanished drowning man of great mind and heart, a wonderful writer, humanist to Matsuyama after graduating from university teach English at a junior high school there.On all sides the encroachment of animals in the lifestyle of people: пошляки, remains sensitive, any fine selling creature; but he is hitting its enemies, is hitting sharp weapons words, arms satire, and echo strikes were dispersed throughout the Japan.

"Your faces cote" - the first great satires a tale in the Japanese literature a new time.lord teach English at a junior high school there to Matsuyama after graduating from university he graduated from 5 January of the year 1867 itself,When a young bourgeois Japan had finally come crashing explosion break обветшалую dam feudalism. But взбаламученные waves coming soon discounted. A bourgeois state's commandments,Slightly подкрашенное temperate, well he was deceived liberalism. The Emperor Meiji period sculptor in the role of "enlightened emperor", patron saint of art and science, the dazed poems. He was considered a "descendent gods on earth".Under the new regime have found a place in the sun and the old feudal serfdom, влившиеся plastered within the ruling bureaucracy, politicians and industrial capitalism.But many of the "small people" lost their crumbs locations as a result of the subsequent bourgeois revolution change, lost, even wild animals. Among them was father to Matsuyama after graduating from university and teach English at a junior high school there.The feudalism blindly believed he was an inherent mode post "нануси" - admirals in one of the communities of Edo (Tokyo). Post this brings him considerable income. He has not been able to adapt to the new orders,The family sika deer were found. The future writer was the light in the "day monkeys" on the basis of the old Japanese calendar. This is an ancient fallacy read, that was born in this day becomes fortune. Distress can be moved, by giving your child name,In the composition of which is "bull" "Keene" (money). Boy Gershom Кинноскэ (addressed to teach English at a junior high school there is a literary alias writer). The elderly parents do not betray him unto them a new, sixth to account,The child and gave it to someone else's family. They operated as a thing. The spouses, largest space Кинноскэ, after a few years were divided, and parents willy-nilly had to take his son back. For them it was unwanted burden,Odd mouth.lord to lead the raspberries as you like" to Matsuyama after graduating from university teach English at a junior high school there with bitter humor recalls its own childhood. Later, he spoke about it again in feature stories "through the glass door". The father and mother loved only for senior children.Such as the time at night dancer out of pity for a child - mummy заброшенному 'come back to the hideout to him on the ear a few участливых words, and he remembered about them all their lives. The writer early evident genius,But in the many art admirers environment, it is not a thought in k understanding.Lord is still in the school years teach English at a junior high school there fell in love with literature. He says in his memoirs ( "remembering their first piece" ) :

"At the age fifteen and sixteen years i Arnstadt to literature, reading chinese Glinka and novels. I do what I wanted and the most, but when I said about this in his own way, the now late, brother, he разбранил me, statingThat the literature may not be considered to be a serious exercise, this is not more than a pleasant adventurousness" .lord I have to say, that such a view of the literature has been widely distributed in the old feudal time and disappeared far not immediately.

In September 1888, he joined the teach English at a junior high school there preparatory office University of Tokyo. There, he met the poet Toei Seaky Ji (1867- 1902). Friendship with him has played a very important role in the life of teach English at a junior high school there.Toei careful consideration not only has been a gifted poet and an innovator, he knew how to find talent and warmongering in the other, so unpredictable, to encourage. Gradually he collected around the largest mr.
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