Раннее детство Давид провел со своей матушкой и Пеготти. В зимние сумерки (in the winter twilight) миссис Копперфильд очень любила играть и танцевать со сбоим маленьким сыном.
Early childhood spent with his mother, David and Pegotti. Winter Twilight (twilight in the winter) Mrs Copperfield really loved to play and dance with baby son sboim.
Early childhood David spent with his mother and Pegotti. In the winter twilight (in the winter twilight) Mrs. Copperfield loved to play and dance with sboim young son.
Early childhood David met with its interlocutor and Пеготти. In the winter twilight (in the winter twilight) Mrs autobiography very loved to play and dance with сбоим small son.