Основание собора[править | править вики-текст]
В 1849 году иркутский миллионер-золотопромышленник Евфимий Андреевич Кузнецов сделал пожертвование в размере 250 тысяч рублей на сооружение нового кафедрального собора в городе:
Я имею на себе обет, данный Господу Богу в дни испытаний моих, когда боролся с лишениями и опасностями… Обет сей много лет носимый в душе моей… в том состоит, чтобы собственными средствами, без всякого стороннего вспомоществования, но своеобразно с требованиями времени, воздвигнуть в Иркутске Кафедральный Собор. Преисполненный сими чувствами, обращающийся к Вашему Высокопреосвященству с покорнейшею просьбою. Примите в распоряжение своё для издержек на построение Собора представляемый при сем капитал… Всего на сумму двести пятьдесят тысяч руб. серебром". При этом он не стал ставить каких-либо условий, а лишь скромно понадеялся, что "смиренный заседатель, воскрешаем в памяти служителей алтаря Господня неиссякаемою благотворительностью своею, конечно, обрящет отраду, что имя его не забудется при жертвах и молниях, возносимых к Богу.
Results (
English) 1:
The base of the Cathedral [edit | edit wiki-text]The year 1849 in Irkutsk millionaire-notable personality Evfimy Kuznyetsov made a donation of $ 250 thousand rubles for the construction of a new Cathedral in the city:I have a vow on themselves, the Lord God in the days of testing my when struggled with hardship and dangers. Vow this many years carried in my soul ... that is, to own funds, without third-party assistance, but peculiarly with the requirements of the time, build in Irkutsk Cathedral. Inspired by symi feelings that accesses your Eminence with pokornejšeû request. Please surrender your for costs to build the Cathedral presented at Cem capital ... Total for the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand rubles. Silver ". While he did not set any conditions, but only modestly hoped that "humble assessor, evoke the memory of the Ministers of the altar of the Lord neissâkaemoû charity nor, of course, his joy that his name will never be forgotten when victims and lightning, voznosimyh to God.
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Results (
English) 2:
The base of the cathedral [edit | edit wiki text]
In 1849 Irkutsk millionaire gold mines Euthymios A. Kuznetsov made a donation in the amount of 250 thousand rubles for the construction of a new cathedral in the city: I have a vow on them, the Lord God in the days of trial of mine, when struggling with hardships and dangers ... The vow this for many years carried in my heart ... that is to their own means, without any third-party welfare, but uniquely with the requirements of the time, to set up in Irkutsk Cathedral. Filled With these sentiments, referring to Your Eminence with a humble request. Take at its disposal for the costs of the construction of the Council submitted herewith capital ... In total the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand rubles. silver. "He did not put any conditions, but only modestly hoped that" humble assessor, brings to mind the ministers of the altar of the Lord inexhaustible charity his course shall find joy, that his name will not be forgotten when the victims and lightning unto the to God.
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Results (
English) 3:
the cathedral | wiki text rule [rule]in 1849, irkutsk millionaire золотопромышленник euthymius andreyevich kuznetsov made a donation of $250 thousand roubles for the construction of a new cathedral in the city:i have on my vows to the lord in the days of testing my when he fought deprivations and dangers made this many years wearable in my soul, that is to own means, without outside assistance, but different with the time set in the irkutsk cathedral. преисполненный the feelings in your eminence with покорнейшею просьбою. take to your for the costs to build the cathedral in the capital, only the amount of two hundred and fifty thousand rubles. silver ". however, he didn"t put any conditions, but only modestly would hope that "the only judge, given in memory of the altar of the неиссякаемою charity and, of course, обрящет delight that his name not be forgotten with the victims and молниях, возносимых to god.
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