Есть в книге и любовь, и мечты, и лицемерие, и слепое желание следовать стаду – все атрибуты человечества, как прекрасные, так и те, что вызывают у нас презрение и негодование.
There is in the book, and love, and dreams, and hypocrisy and blind desire to follow the herd-all attributes of humanity, as wonderful and those that cause us to scorn and indignation.
There is a book, and love, and dreams, and hypocrisy and a blind desire to follow the flock - all attributes of humanity as great as those that cause us the contempt and indignation.
in the book, love and dreams, and hypocrisy, and blind desire to follow up all attributes of humanity, as beautiful, and those that are of the contempt and resentment.