я не успею выучить весь английский. наш мозг иногда воспринимает несколько смыслов. сложно. здесь ума не надо хитрый я знаю что это понравится обоим. но у меня не такие цели
I don't have time to learn all the English. our brain sometimes perceives a few meanings. hard.Here the mind does not need toCraftyI know that like both. but I do not have such objectives
I do not have time to learn all the English. our brain sometimes takes several meanings. complicated. here I do not mind tricky , I know what it is like both. but I have no such goals
i don't have time to learn the english. our brain sometimes takes several meanings. hard.here i don't have tocunningi know what it's like to both. but i don't have the same goal