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On the way to the wind and the sun
#9, 2011
candidate chemical sciences Olga Белоконева, correspondent for the magazine "Science and life". Lord oil, gas, coal, nuclear energy, without a doubt, the most effective energy. A misfortune,That their stocks are limited, yes and environmentally they are unsafe.Therefore, many of the major production and entire States looking to become independent of traditional energy resources and, accordingly, the energy monopoly, reduce risk of raise their prices. In addition,The introduction of new technologies will create new markets for investors and additional space for qualified workers.So that for any industrial country as one of the main economic priorities becomes development alternative energy.In Russia it impede the high cost of the establishment of new installations and is too cheap energy, obtained at the CHPP and nuclear power plant, which cost two to three times lower than in Western Europe.Accordingly, the Russian investors do not find this industry attractive. In 2008, renewable sources in our country was only 0.4 % of the energy.The plans of the government 20 years to increase the share of alternative energy in the overall energy production up to three per cent, yes and, if the industry appears financing.lord, but in the world there are many countries,Where production of renewable energy has been delivered to the stream. In Europe the first of them - Germany.The decision on the gradual transition to alternative sources of energy taken here at the governmental level is still in the year 2000.Today, Germany is the third largest in the world for the expenditure on renewable energy, second only China and the United States.Only in 2008, has been allocated to improving energy technology almost 10 billion euros and created some 300 of thousands of jobs.lord enormous funds for the development of new technology to earn,By instilling these same technologies. In 2005, the Kyoto protocol the EU is running the system of payments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. A large proportion of the emissions is linked to the operation of the thermal power plants (CHP).A great contribution to make oil refineries, as well as plants for the production of cement, iron and steel. According to the year 2005, five thousand thermal station, working in the developed countries,11 GTC emitted greenhouse gas emissions per year. Of them the share of Germany accounted for only 0.4, gigatons of.lord in addition, the pollutants, using outdated technology, buy quotas for emissions from countries,Adopting an alternative energy. Money, proceeds by Germany for the sale quotas, go to environmental programs, and the development alternative energy sources and improving the efficiency of the production and consumption patterns.According to the calculations, only with a more rational use of energy in the home can reduce its consumption in more than two times. Lord but before you undertake to talk about the progress energy industry Germany,However, what is meant by alternative, or renewable, energy sources. Lord in the first place, it is hydroelectric power plants, which produce about 23% renewable energy Germany. Secondly,Wind energy (approximately 43 % ). Mention should also be made using the Sun's energy using photovoltaic dc/dc converters and solar collectors,Receive biogas and liquid biofuels from organic waste, and, finally, geothermal energy. Lord themselves, hydroelectric power plants, of course, it is not technical innovation,But in Germany the number of articulated their power is growing at the expense of building new stations, but only as a result upgrading old.
This is wind energy is an accelerated pace and in Germany has taken a strong position thanks to inexpensive. In Europe cost 1 kw "varicella" power - 9 cents,The two times more expensive than defined Thermal Power Station (for comparison: cost "solar" energy - 40 cents). The wind turbines - more than 20,000 - Germany outpaced all the countries of the world.No one will be intrigued many giant installations (the height of a large "village foremans" 138 m) with the huge "army", the challenges on both sides of the автобанов. Steel blades are so great,That they cannot be transported. Wind turbine, which is connected to the alternator electrical current, rotates at a rate of 20-25 revolutions per minute (see "Science and Life" 3, 2004. ).The total power wind turbines has exceeded 25 MW. The German company to produce wind turbines "Eneсоn" is releasing their about a dozen a week, taking the fourth place in the world.However, its resource a wind installation generates for twenty years.lord buy a wind turbine, at least the world's smallest, cost about a million euros, in principle, may and private individuals.But boss wind turbines all endorsed energy is obliged to sell the common electrical network. And all as well to put wind energy installation, around in Germany.Their owners receive various subsidies and tax credits.lord apart from wind energy in Germany is actively developing production silicon photovoltaic dc-DC converters (Phоtоvоltаiс cells, PVC).They are very effectively transform solar energy into electrical energy, but also have a number of shortcomings: operate only on that day, yes, costs emanating from their energy in 10 times higher than the "heat".None the less, Germany is a world leader in the production of energy using photovoltaic dc-DC converters (approximately 4 TWH per year). Today's energy efficient industrial photovoltaic dc-DC converters was on average 16- 18 %,A laboratory - about
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