По Creswell (2003) вопросники не среди самых выдающихся методов в качественном исследовании. Он сказал, что анкета в основном требуют стимуляции субъектов, и что эффекты, которые они не действуют, естественно.
Тем не менее, они имеют свою область применения, особенно в качестве средства сбора информации из более широкого образца, чем может быть достигнуто путем личного интервью. Кроме того, вопросник может быть использован в первую очередь, а затем качественных методов на выборке в проверке и заполнить определенные черты ответов на вопросник. Взаимодействие между методами в этом случае является типичным качественного исследования.
Results (
English) 1:
According to Creswell (2003) questionnaires are not among the most outstanding methods in qualitative research. He said that mostly require stimulation, and the effects that they do not apply, of course.
However, they have their own scope, especially as a means of gathering information from a larger sample than would be achieved by personal interview. In addition, the questionnaire can be used first, and then of qualitative methods in the sample test and fill out certain features of the replies to the questionnaire. Interaction between methods in this case is a typical qualitative research.
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Results (
English) 2:
According to Creswell (2003), questionnaires are not among the most prominent methods in qualitative research. He said that the questionnaire generally require stimulation of subjects, and that the effects that they do not work, of course. Nevertheless, they have their uses, particularly as a means of gathering information from a wider sample than can be achieved through a personal interview . Moreover, the questionnaire can be used in the first place, and then qualitative methods on a sample check and fill in certain features of the questionnaire. Interaction between the methods in this case is a typical qualitative study.
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Results (
English) 3:
The Creswell (2003) questionnaires are not among the most outstanding methods in qualitative research. He said that the questionnaire basically require stimulation actors, and that effects that they do not act, of course. Lord nevertheless,They have their application area, especially as a means of collecting information from a wider sample, than can be achieved through personal interviews. In addition,The questionnaire can be used in the first place, and then qualitative methods on a sample in the verification and to fill out certain features of the responses to the questionnaire.Interaction between the methods in this case is a typical qualitative studies.
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