Часто можно заметить мужчин-шанхайцев с длинными ногтями на руках, однако, это отнюдь не признак неряшливости, а дань старинным традициям и поверьям. Считалось, что ногти императора служат для связи с высшими силами, и поэтому за ними тщательно ухаживали. Позднее длинные ногти стали признаком богатства и влиятельности, для них даже создавали специальные наконечники, как на фото. Сегодня же мужчины в Шанхае растят ногти чтобы привлечь удачу и богатство. Интересно, что ногти имеет смысл растить только на мизинце, большом или указательном пальцах – это связано с верой в магию цифр 6 и 8, для обозначения которых в китайских жестах используются именно эти пальцы. Считается, что цифра 8 приносит в жизнь богатство, а 6 – удачу и счастье.
Results (
English) 1:
Often you can see šanhajcev men with long fingernails on your hands, but this is not a sign of it remains, and a tribute to the ancient traditions and beliefs. It was believed that nails serve as emperor for communication with higher forces and so carefully cared for them. Later long nails became a sign of wealth and influence, they even created special tips, as in the photo. Today, men in Shanghai raised nails to bring good luck and wealth. Interestingly, the nails makes sense to grow only on the little finger, big or index fingers-this is due to the belief in magic numbers 6 and 8, for the designation of which Chinese gestures used those fingers. It is believed that the figure 8 brings to life the richness, and 6-good luck and happiness.
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Results (
English) 2:
Often you will notice men of Shanghai with long fingernails, however, this is not a sign of carelessness and a tribute to the ancient traditions and beliefs. It was believed that the Emperor nails are used to due to the higher powers, so carefully courted them. Later, long nails became a sign of wealth and influence, they even created a special tip, as in the photo. Today, men in Shanghai grown nails to bring good luck and wealth. Interestingly, the nails grow only makes sense on the little finger, thumb or finger - this is due to the belief in the magic of numbers 6 and 8, for the designation of which the Chinese used these gestures fingers. It is believed that the number 8 brings to life the richness and 6 - good luck and happiness.
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Results (
English) 3:
often can be seen шанхайцев men with long nails in the hands, however, it is not a sign of неряшливости, a tribute to the ancient traditions and поверьям. was considered, that nails are for connection to the emperor's forcesand therefore, they carefully take care of. later, long became a sign of wealth and power, they even created a special tips, as in the picture.today's men in shanghai are nails to bring luck and wealth. i wonder what is the meaning of having only little finger nails or fingers, the index is linked to the belief in the magic of numbers 6 and 8.which chinese gestures are used to denote these fingers. is that a figure 8 is the life wealth, and 6 - good luck and happiness.
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