– Да, сэр. Я слышал миссис Грей. Сейчас провожу весь имеющийся материал через программу распознавания лиц. Посмотрим, где еще этот му… прошу прощения, мэм, – этот человек успел побывать.
Я поднимаю глаза – Кристиан уже не слушает объяснения Барни, все его внимание занимает изображение на экране.
– Но зачем ему это? – спрашиваю я.
Кристиан пожимает плечами.
– Может быть, из мести. Не знаю. Понять, почему люди ведут себя так, а не этак, бывает порой невозможно. Меня только злит, что ты близко работала с этим человеком. – Он еще крепче, словно защищая от какой-то беды, обнимает меня.
– У нас также есть содержимое его жесткого диска, – добавляет Барни.
– Да, помню. А есть ли у вас адрес мистера Хайда?
– Есть, сэр.
– Сообщите Уэлчу.
– Обязательно, сэр. Я просканирую весь городской видеоархив, может быть, смогу отследить его передвижения.
– Проверьте, какая у него машина.
– Понял, сэр.
– А Барни сможет все это сделать? – шепотом спрашиваю я.
Кристиан кивает и довольно усмехается.
– А что было на жестком диске?
Лицо тут же суровеет, улыбки как не бывало.
– Ничего особенного, – роняет он сквозь зубы.
– Расскажи.
– Нет.
Кристиан снова качает головой и прикладывает к моим губам указательный палец. Я насупливаю брови, но он смотрит на меня с прищуром, ясно давая понять, что сейчас лучше помолчать.
Results (
English) 1:
-Yes, Sir. I heard Mrs Gray. Now I spend all the available material through the face recognition. See where else this MU ... I'm sorry, Ma'am, is this person had time to visit.I lift my eyes-Christian is no longer listening to explanations of Barney, all of his attention is on the screen.-But why would he? -I ask.Christian shrugs.-Maybe out for revenge. I do not know. To understand why people behave so not that way, it was sometimes impossible. I only Angers you worked closely with this person. He even tighter, as if protecting it from catastrophe, hugging me.-We also have the contents of his hard drive, "adds Barney.What?-Yes, I remember. And do you have the address of Mr Hyde?-There are, Sir.-Notify Uèlču.To be sure, Sir. I proskaniruû the whole city video archive, maybe I can keep track of his movements.-Check which he machine.-Understood, Sir.But Barney could all do it? -whisper I ask.Christian nods and grins.-And what was on the hard drive?The person immediately suroveet, smiles as never before.-Nothing special-drops it through clenched teeth.-Tell.-No.Christian again shakes his head and puts to my lips the index finger. I nasuplivaû his eyebrows, but he looks at me with a squint, it is clear that better keep quiet.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 2:
- Yes, sir. I heard Mrs. Gray. Now I spend all the available material through facial recognition software. Let's see where else this mu ... I'm sorry, ma'am, - this man had time to visit. I look up - Christian no longer listens to explanations Barney, his attention takes a picture on the screen. - But why should he? - I ask. Christiane shrugs. - Maybe it was revenge. I do not know. Understand why people behave this way and not that way, it is sometimes impossible. I just angry that you worked closely with this person. - It is even harder, as if protecting it from any troubles, hugging me. - We also have the contents of his hard drive - adds Barney. What? - Yes, I remember. And if you have the address Mr. Hyde? - Yes, sir. - Tell Welch. - Be sure, sir. I scan whole city video archive, might be able to track his movements. - Check what his car. - Understood, sir. - A Barney can do all this? - I asked in a whisper. Christian nods and grins pretty. - And that was on the hard drive? The person immediately suroveet, smiles as usual. - Nothing special - he drops his teeth. - Tell me. - No. Christian shakes his head again and applies to my lips forefinger. I nasuplivayu eyebrows, but he looks at me with a frown, making it clear that now is better to keep silent.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
- Yes, sir. I have heard Mrs. gray. I am consulting the entire material available through the program facial recognition software. Let's see, where is this moe ... i apologize, pharmaceuticals, - this person managed to mouth.I am raising our eyes - Christian is already not listening to explain Barney, all of his attention is the image on the screen.Lord - but why do it? - Ask i.lord Christian fling.Lord - may be, in order to exact revenge. I don't know. To understandWhy do people behave, and do not succumb, it is sometimes impossible. I am only history used to praise stupidity, that you are close to has worked with this man. - He is still stronger, as if it were protecting you from the misery, it happens me.
- We also have the contents his hard drive, - adds Barney.Lord that Lord?- Yes, I remember. And do you have address Dr. Hynek Haida?Lord - There is, sir.lord, tell Уэлчу.Lord - Always, sir. I просканирую the entire city a video archive,
Being translated, please wait..