не расстраивайся. тебе нужно поговорить с ней. возможно, она обиделась на тебя. или она могла просто забыть про тебя. я уверена вы поймёте друг друга. и всё будет хорошо.
do not get upset. you need to talk to her. Perhaps she was mad at you. or she could just forget about you. I am sure you will understand each other. and everything will be fine.
do not worry. you need to talk to her. perhaps she was mad at you. or it could just forget about you. I am sure you will understand each other. and all will be well.
Not расстраиваися. You need to talk to it. Perhaps it artworks at you. or it could simply forget about you. I am sure you will understand each other. And all will be well.