1. Марья Ивановна скоро перестала со мной дичиться (to be shy of somebody). (Пушкин) 2. Между тем Палаша взяла у нас наши шпаги и отнесла в чулан. Я не мог не засмеяться. (Пушкин) 3. Кирила Петрович гордился сим прекрасным заведением и никогда не упускал случая похвастаться оным. (Пушкин) 4. «Простите..., что я пришла к вам», — сказала она. (Л. Толстой)5....я только удивляюсь, как ты из полка приехал (to get away from the regiment). (Л. Толстой) 6. В конце января княжна Марья уехала в Москву, и граф настоял на том, чтобы Наташа ехала с нею, с.тем чтобы посоветоваться с докторами. (Л. Толстой) 7. Наташе совестно было ничего не делать в доме, тогда как все были так заняты. (Л. Толстой) 8. «Папа, ничего (to mind), что я раненых пригласила в дом?» — сказала ему Наташа. (Л. Толстой) 9. Володя заметно важничал... (to put on airs); он гордился тем, что приехал на охотничьей лошади (to ride a hunter). (Л. Толстой) 10. «Благодарствуйте, что сдержали слово», — начала она... (Тургенев) 11. Она [Анна Сергеевна] до обеда не показывалась и все (to keep) ходила взад и вперед по комнате. (Тургенев) 12. С Фенечкой ему не удалось проститься: он только переглянулся с нею из окна (to exchange glances with somebody). (Тургенев) 13. Он [Базаров] перестал (to give up) гулять в одиночку и начал искать общества... (Тургенев) 14. Катя ничего не отвечала, но перестала (to cease) глядеть на Аркадия. (Тургенев) 15. И она стала говорить с Кити (Л. Толстой)16. Он [Каренин] любил говорить о Шекспире, Рафаэле, Бетховене, о значении новых школ поэзии и музыки... (Л. Толстой)17. Алексей Александрович за правило поставил каждый день видеть жену... (to make it a rule to do something); но избегал обедов дома. (Л. Толстой) 18. Юн не стоит того, чтобы ты страдала из-за него» (to grieve over somebody), — продолжала Дарья Александровна... (Л. Толстой)
Results (
English) 1:
1. Marya Ivanovna soon stopped with me dičit′sâ (to be shy of "somebody"). (Pushkin (town)) 2. Meanwhile, Palaša took from us our sword and placed in a closet. I couldn't help but laugh. (Pushkin (town)) 3. Cyril Petrovich boasted of the SIM fine institution and never hesitated to brag add-on. (Pushkin (town)) 4. "sorry ... that I have come to you," she said. (L. Tolstoy) 5. ... and I just wonder how you Regiment came (to get away from the regiment). (L. Tolstoy) 6. At the end of January, the Princess Marya moved to Moscow, and Earl insisted that She was travelling with her, c. to consult with doctors. (L. Tolstoy) 7. Natasha ashamed of doing nothing in the House, while all have been so busy. (L. Tolstoy) 8. "Dad, nothing (to mind) that I was invited into the House injured?" he said Natasha. (L. Tolstoy) 9. Volodya noticeably važničal... (to put on airs); He is proud that he came to a hunting horse (to ride a hunter). (L. Tolstoy) 10. "Blagodarstvujte to keep the word", and the beginning of it... (Turgenev) 11. She [Anna Sergeevna] before lunch did not show up and all (to keep) went back and forth across the room. (Turgenev) 12. From Fenečkoj he was unable to say goodbye: it only pereglânulsâ with her out of the window (to exchange glances with somebody). (Turgenev) 13. He [Markets] stopped (to give up) to walk alone and started looking for the community ... (Turgenev) 14. Kate did not respond, but no longer (to cease) look at Arcadia. (Turgenev) 15. And she was talking to Kitty (l. Tolstoy) 16. He [Karenin] loved to talk about Shakespeare, Rafael, Beethoven, on the significance of the new schools of poetry and music ... (L. Tolstoy) 17. Aleksey Aleksandrovich for rule set every day to see the wife of ... (to make it a rule to do something); but steered clear of dinners at home. (L. Tolstoy) 18. Yuen is not worth you suffering because of him "(to grieve over somebody), Darya Aleksandrovna continued to ... (L. Tolstoy)
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Results (
English) 2:
1. Maria Ivanovna soon ceased to be shy with me (to be shy of somebody). (Pushkin) 2. Meanwhile Palasha we took our swords and carried into the closet. I could not help laughing. (Pushkin) 3. Cyril P. proud sim wonderful institution and never missed a chance to show off add-on. (Pushkin) 4. "I'm sorry ... I come to you," - she said. (Leo Tolstoy) 5 .... I'm just wondering how you came from the regiment (to get away from the regiment). (Leo Tolstoy) 6. At the end of January Princess Mary went to Moscow, and the Count insisted that Natasha was traveling with her s.tem to consult with doctors. (Leo Tolstoy) 7. Natasha was ashamed to do nothing in the house, while they were all so busy. (Leo Tolstoy) 8. "Dad, nothing (to mind), I was invited to the house of the wounded?" - He said Natasha. (Leo Tolstoy) 9. Vladimir noticeably showboat ... (to put on airs); He was proud that he came to hunting horse (to ride a hunter). (Leo Tolstoy) 10. "And thank you, that kept their word," - she said ... (Turgenev) 11. She [Anna S.] did not show up to dinner and everything (to keep) walked up and down the room. (Turgenev) 12. Baubles he could not say good-bye, he only exchanged glances with her out of the window (to exchange glances with somebody). (Turgenev) 13. He [Bazarov] stopped (to give up) to walk alone and began to seek the company ... (Turgenev) 14. Kate did not answer, but stopped (to cease) to look at the Arcadia. (Turgenev) 15. And she began talking to Kitty (Tolstoy) 16. He [Karenin] loved to talk about Shakespeare, Raphael, Beethoven, of the significance of new schools of poetry and music ... (Leo Tolstoy) 17. Alexey Alexandrovitch made it a rule every day to see his wife ... (to make it a rule to do something); but avoided dining at home. (Leo Tolstoy) 18. Yung's not worth it, so that you suffered because of him »(to grieve over somebody), - Darya Alexandrovna ... (Leo Tolstoy)
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