Я сегодня сделала пирог с персиками Today I cooked pie with peach It's was tast Я и тебе такой сделаю I will do this to you when we will be together Но я сделаю исключение
Today I made a cake with peachesToday I cooked pie with peachIt was the tastI will do this to youI will do this to you when we will be togetherBut I'll make an exception
Today I made a cake with peaches the Today I of cooked pie with peach It's WAS tast I will do this to you I will do this to you when we will be together , but I'll make an exception
today, i made a cake with peachtoday i cooked for with peachit"s very tasti and you such doi will do this to you when we will be togetherbut i"ll make an exception