Будущее всей страны зависит только от нас. Я уверена, что каждый из нас может внести свой труд для процветания нашей страны. Именно нам, строить будущее суверенного Казахстана. И я искренно верю, что это будущее будет чистым, светлым и прекрасным!
The future of the whole country depends only on us. I am confident that each of us can make their work for the prosperity of our country. It is up to us to build the future of sovereign Kazakhstan. And I sincerely believe that this future will be clean, bright and beautiful!
The future of the whole country depends on us. I am sure that each of us can make our work for the prosperity of our country. That is, we build the future of independent Kazakhstan. And I sincerely believe that the future will be bright, clean and beautiful!
the future of the country depends only on us. i believe that each of us can make their work for the prosperity of our country. it is for us to build the future of the sovereign kazakhstan. and i honestly believe that the future will be clean, bright and beautiful!