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On the way to the wind and the sun
№9, 2011
PhD in Chemistry Olga Belokoneva, correspondent of the magazine "Science and Life." Oil, gas, coal, atomic energy, without a doubt, the most effective energy. The trouble is that supplies are limited, and they are environmentally safe. Therefore, many large manufacturing and entire nations dream of becoming independent from traditional energy resources and energy, respectively, of monopolies, reduce risks from lifting their prices. In addition, the introduction of new technologies will create new markets for investors and additional space for skilled workers. So for any industrial country one of the main economic priorities is the development of alternative energy. In Russia, it constrained by high costs of setting up new facilities and too cheap energy received at the CHP and nuclear power plants, the cost of which is two to three times lower than in Western Europe. Accordingly, Russian investors do not find the industry attractive. In 2008, renewable sources in our country was given only 0.4% of the energy. The government plans to bring in 20 years the share of renewable energy in total energy production by up to three percent, and even then, if the industry will be funded. However, in the world there are many countries where the production of renewable energy has already put on stream. In Europe, the first of them - Germany. The decision on a gradual transition to alternative energy sources are taken at the government level yet in 2000. Today, Germany is the third largest in the world in expenditure on the development of renewable energy, second only to China and the United States. Only in 2008 was allocated for the improvement of energy technologies for nearly 10 billion euros and created about 300,000 jobs. Huge funds for the development of new technologies manage to earn, introducing the same technology. Since 2005, the Kyoto Protocol, the EU operates a system of payments for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. A large proportion of emissions associated with the work of thermal power plants (CHP), making a significant contribution refineries and factories for the production of cement, iron and steel. As of 2005, five thousand thermal stations operating in developed countries emit 11 gigatons of greenhouse gases per year. Of these, Germany accounts for only 0.4 gigatons. In addition, the country's polluting, obsolete technology, buy emissions credits from countries implementing alternative energy. Money raised by Germany for the sale of quotas, go to environmental programs for the development of alternative energy sources and increasing the efficiency of production and consumption. According to estimates, only with a more rational use of energy in the home can reduce its consumption of more than two times. But before we talk in more detail about the success of the energy industry in Germany, we recall what is meant by alternative or renewable, sources of energy. Firstly, is hydroelectric, which produce about 23% of renewable energy in Germany. Secondly, the wind energy (approximately 43%). I should also mention the use of solar energy using photovoltaic cells and solar, biogas and liquid biofuels from organic waste and, finally, geothermal energy. By themselves, hydroelectric power, of course, is not technical innovation, but in Germany the number of generated electricity grows not due to the construction of new plants, but only as a result of the modernization of the old ones. But wind power is developing rapidly in Germany and occupied a strong position thanks to the low cost. In Europe, the cost of 1 kW "wind" power - 9 cents, only twice as expensive generated CHP (for comparison, the cost of "solar" energy - 40 cents). By the number of wind power plants - more than 20 000 - Germany ahead of all countries of the world. No one is not surprised by the numerous giant structures (the height of the largest "windmill" 138 m) with a huge "propeller", standing on both sides of highways. Steel blades are so large that they can not carry the whole thing. Wind turbine connected to a generator of electric current, rotates at a speed of 20-25 rpm (see. "Science and Life» № 3, 2004). The total capacity of wind turbines exceeds 25 MW. Home German company for the production of wind turbines «Enecon» lets them about a dozen a week, ranking fourth in the world. However, the resource wind plant produces twenty years. Buy a wind turbine, at least the smallest, at the cost of around one million euros, in principle, and individuals. But the owner of the entire wind turbine generated energy is obliged to sell to the general electricity network. And anyway to put wind turbines in Germany profitable: their owners receive various subsidies and tax breaks. In addition to wind energy in Germany is actively developing the production of semiconductor photovoltaic (Photovoltaic cells, PVC). They very effectively convert solar energy into electricity, but have several disadvantages: they work only during the day, and the cost of energy generated by them is 10 times more "heat". Nevertheless, Germany - the world leader in the production of energy using photovoltaic cells (about 4 TWh per year). Today industrial photovoltaic efficiency averages 16-18% and a laboratory - about
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