Его портрет размещён на самой мелкой купюре, достоинством всего в один доллар. такое решение было принято потому, что Вашингтон всю жизнь был чрезвычайно экономным человеком. Он даже сам вёл всю бухгалтерию, и очень бережно относился к деньгам.
His portrait is placed on the smallest banknote, denomination of only one dollar. This decision was made because Washington was an extremely frugal person all his life. He even did all the accounting himself and was very careful with money.
His portrait was pasted on the smallest paper currency, worth only one dollar. This is because Washington has been a very frugal person throughout his life. He even handed over all the bills to himself and was very careful with the money.
His portrait was placed on the smallest bill, worth only $1. This decision was made because Washington was a very thrifty man all his life. He even handled all the accounting affairs himself and was very cautious about money.