6. Но он не мог долго думать об этом, так как был очень занят: ему надо было обслужить всех своих пациентов, поэтому он решил, что ее странное поведение — просто каприз, на который он не должен обращать внимания. 7. Однажды миссис Лоренс позвонила ему и, сказав, что супруг ее уехал на рыбную лрвлю в Ирландию и она, быть может, через несколько дней поедет к нему, позвала его к завтраку. 8. Он принял ее приглашение, хотя и подумал, что она могла бы пригласить и Кристин. 9. Потом он пришел к заключению, что это визит скорее деловой, а не светский и что он должен бывать в обществе и заводить знакомства, которые могут быть полезны для его карьеры, и что ему не к чему говорить об этом Кристин.
Results (
English) 1:
6. But he could not have long to think about it, because he was very busy: he had to serve all of your patients, so he decided that her strange behavior is simply a whim that it should not be ignored. 7. one day Mrs Lawrence called him and said that her husband went fishing lrvlû in Ireland and it may be a few days to go to him, called him in the morning. 8. He accepted her invitation, but thought she could invite and Kristin. 9. Then he came to the conclusion that this is rather a business visit, rather than secular, and that it should happen in a society and start dating, which can be useful to his career, and that he was not to talk about it, Christine.
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Results (
English) 2:
6. But he could not think about it for a long time, because he was very busy: he had to serve all their patients, so he decided that her strange behavior - just a whim, to which it should not be ignored. 7. Once Mrs. Lawrence called him and saying that her husband had gone to fish lrvlyu in Ireland and it is, perhaps, a few days will go to him, called him for breakfast. 8. He accepted her invitation, though, and thought that she could invite and Christine. 9. Then he came to the conclusion that this visit more business rather than secular and that he should go out and start dating, which can be useful for his career, and that he had nothing to say about it, Christine.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
6. But he could not for a long time to think about this, as it was a very busy: it must have been giving all of their patients, so he decided that her odd behavior - just a hair, for which he should not pay attention to. 7.Once Mrs Lawrence phoned him, and he said, that the spouse its left for fish лрвлю in Ireland and it may be, in a few days won't to it, replied to the healthy food. 8. It took her an invitation, although, I thoughtThat she could invite and Christine. 9. Then he came to the conclusion that this visit more of a business, and not secular and that it should not isolate itself in society and start exploring, which can be useful for his career,And that he has nothing to say about this Christine.
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