Results (
English) 3:
Leading to a reduction in the volume of food consumed. Hence, impressive results: the body is restored "from the ruins" in a relatively short period of time (10 - 15 wrapping during the 1-1,Program 2, "Ephir world" Ether world 13000 roubles 4 hours lord spa program with the use of case-by-case approach to the procedure.The procedure for wet wrapping is a means for an integrated combat with the excess weight and photographs deformation contours the body.Actively cooperating with Aiaal. Specifically laid down in the formula lotions лептиноподобные, additional efforts should substances provide sustainable reduction and control appetite,The formula Ароматерапевтическая drugs restores in patients a positive self-image, faith in their own forces, turning them from passive consumers cosmetic services in "creators own body",Leading to a reduction in the volume of food consumed. Hence, impressive results: the body is restored "from the ruins" in a relatively short period of time (10 - 15 wrapping during the 1-1,5 Months) method includes the physiologically resulting from the sequence of the polarized biological stimulants through the skin. The first procedures are applied together,Enhancing the ability to active components to penetrate through the skin. And then to the area wrapping is applied therapeutic "substrate" (oil-ether song), which, on the one hand,Provides a high level of activity pre and, on the other hand, does not allow for skin irritation from the effects of various липолитиков and термоактиваторов (Valery Kim, orange, exogenous hormones, никотиновая acid).These аромамасла-substrate complexes result in membrane cells in electrically active, excited. After carried out wet changing body in accordance with the reading: stage of hair loss,Concomitant chronic diseases and the phase correction shapes. Was finalizing the procedure for applying the "focuses on strength" from the active cream or gel (duration of exposure which is from 4 up to 12 hours).
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