Отсутствие формальной институциональной системы в Китае, вызвал неприемлемый уровень коррупции и разгул, нерегулируемой и часто незаконной спекуляции (Marangos, 2006, p.230).
The lack of a formal institutional system in China, caused an unacceptable level of corruption and rampant, unregulated and often illegal speculation (Marangos, 2006, p. 230).
The lack of a formal institutional system in China, has caused an unacceptable level of corruption and the rampant, unregulated and often illegal speculation (Marangos, 2006, p.230).
Absence of formal institutional system in China, has caused an unacceptable level of corruption and rampant, unregulated and often illegal speculation (Mаrаngоs, 2006, p. 230).