Великобритании предложили покинуть ЕС
Бывший председатель Еврокомиссии и один инициаторов создания европейского общего рынка и введения евро Жак Делор предложил Великобритании выйти из состава Европейского союза. Ранее, выступая в палате общин, премьер-министр Великобритании Дэвид Кэмерон заявил, что не исключает возможности выхода страны из ЕС.
"Британцев интересуют только их экономические интересы и ничего более. Мы могли бы предложить им другую форму партнерства", – заявил Делор. По мнению наблюдателей, на конфликт с ЕС Кэмерона подталкивает его собственная партия – британские консерваторы, передает РИА Новости.
Эксперты заявляют, что у зоны евро свои проблемы, у Великобритании свои. Эти две валютные зоны решают проблемы по-своему. Так как Великобритания входит в Евросоюз, навязывание тех мер по ограничению бюджета, который лоббирует Меркель, не устраивает Кэмерона.
Меж тем опросы показывают, что простые британцы все более склоняются к выходу страны из состава ЕС. Организацию они рассматривают в качестве института, вмешивающегося во внутренние дела и тратящего средства в условиях жесткой экономии, проводимой британскими властями. Кроме того, фунт по-прежнему сильнее евро. Статистика показывает, что Лондон начал выбираться из кризиса, чего нельзя сказать о других странах ЕС.
Председатель Европейского совета Херман ван Ромпей ранее предупредил, что попытки премьера Великобритании противостоять делегированию государствами Евросоюза части своих полномочий наднациональным институтам могут поставить под угрозу существование ЕС как сообщества. По его словам, в сегодняшних реалиях, когда половина Европы тонет в долгах, а вторая половина отчаянно пытается вытащить первую, Великобритания, не отступая от своих добрых традиций, отстаивает только свои интересы.
Results (
English) 1:
Britain offered to leave the EUFormer President of the European Commission and one the founders of the European common market and the introduction of the euro with Jacques Delors proposed the uk to leave the European Union. Earlier, speaking in the House of Commons, British Prime Minister David Cameron said he did not rule out the possibility of pulling out of the EU."The British people are interested only in their economic interests and nothing more. We could offer them another form of partnership, "said Delors. According to observers, the conflict with the EU, Cameron is pushing his own party, the British Conservatives, RIA Novosti reports.Experts say that the euro-zone have their problems, the uk. These two currency areas solve problems in their own way. Because the United Kingdom is a member of the European Union, the imposition of those measures to control budget, which lobbies for Merkel, not satisfied with Cameron.Meanwhile, polls show that ordinary Britons increasingly leaning towards the exit of the country from the EU. The organization they see as an institution that interferes in the internal affairs and spends money in a tight economy, carried out by the British authorities. In addition, the pound remains stronger than the euro. Statistics show that London began to emerge from the crisis, which cannot be said of other EU countries.European Council President Herman van Rompuy warned earlier that the British Prime Minister's attempts to resist Eu States delegate some of their powers to supranational institutions may threaten the existence of the EU as a community. According to him, today's realities, when half of Europe is drowning in debt, and the other half trying desperately to pull out first, the United Kingdom, without deviating from its good traditions, defends only their interests.
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Results (
English) 2:
Britain to leave the EU offered
the former European Commission President and one the initiators of the European common market and the euro Jacques Delors suggested that the UK withdraw from the European Union. Earlier, speaking in the House of Commons, Prime Minister David Cameron said he did not exclude the possibility of withdrawal from the EU.
"The British are only interested in their economic interests and nothing else. We could offer them another form of partnership", - Delors said. According to observers, a conflict with the EU Cameron is pushing his own party - the British Conservatives, RIA Novosti reported.
Experts say that the euro area their problems, their UK. These two currency zones solve the problems on its own. Since the United Kingdom is part of the European Union, the imposition of those measures to limit the budget, which lobbied Merkel, Cameron is not satisfied.
Meanwhile, polls show that ordinary Britons increasingly inclined to leave the country from the EU. Organization they see as an institution, to interfere in the internal affairs and spending money in a tight economy, carried out by the British authorities. In addition, the pound is still strong euro. Statistics show that London began to get out of the crisis, can not be said about other countries in the EU.
European Council President Herman Van Rompuy earlier warned that attempts to confront British Prime Minister states of the European Union delegation of its powers to supranational institutions could jeopardize the existence of the EU as a community. According to him, in today's reality, when half of Europe is drowning in debt and the other half is desperately trying to get the first one, the United Kingdom, without departing from its good traditions and defends only their interests.
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Results (
English) 3:
Great Britain had proposed to leave the EU
a former president and one European initiators of the creation of the European common market and the introduction of the euro, Jacques Delors proposed that Britain to withdraw from the European Union.Earlier, speaking in the house of commons, British prime minister David Cameron stated that does not preclude the possibility of the EU.
"British are interested in only their own economic interests and nothing more.We could invite them to another form of partnership", - said Delors. In the view of the observers, the conflict with the EU Read more on HIV challenged his own party - the British conservatives, transmits RIA Novosti.
The experts claim that the euro zone their problems, the Great Britain. These two currency zone solve the problems in their own way. Because the UK is included in the EU, and the imposition of measures to limit budget,Which lobbies Merkel, are not satisfied with Read more on HIV.
international order surveys show that simple Brits all over tipped to the output of the composition of the EU. The Organization they consider as an institution,Вмешивающегося in internal affairs and тратящего means in a tough economy, being carried out by British authorities. In addition, lb continues to stronger euro. Statistics show,That London has been chosen from a crisis, which is not true of the other EU countries.
the Chairman of the European Council Herman van Rompuy previously warned,That great Britain to resist attempts to premiere member states Eu delegate part of their authority supranational institutions may jeopardize the existence of the EU as a community.
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