Приливные электростанции
Океанические приливы вызываются взаимодействием гравитационных полей Луны и Солнца с вращением Земли вокруг своей оси. Упрощая, можно сказать, что приливы — это волны, обладающие чрезвычайно длинным периодом (временем полного колебательного цикла) с двумя (в большинстве мест) гребнями (наивысшие точки прилива) и двумя впадинами (низшие точки отлива) ежедневно.
Приливная плотина
Приливная плотина напоминает небольшую дамбу с двумя шлюзами (водоспусками), которые могут открываться и закрываться, позволяя воде перетекать из одного бассейна в другой за счет разницы высот. Это течение приводит в действие турбину, подсоединенную к электрогенератору.
Во время прилива бассейн наполняется через большой канал (на схеме не показан) до тех пор, пока прилив не достигает наивысшей точки (гребня). В это время шлюзы закрыты, и турбина не работает. В апогей прилива уровень воды в бассейне соответствует уровню моря вне бассейна. С началом отлива уровень моря понижается, и бассейн начинает работать как резервуар: шлюзы открываются, и вода проходит сквозь турбину, приводящую генератор в действие. В максимальной точке отлива вода все еще продолжает поступать через турбину, но вскоре уровень воды в океане повышается (начинается новый прилив), и уровни воды в океане и бассейне выравниваются. Шлюзы вновь закрываются, турбина останавливается, и бассейн снова наполняется с приливом. Другая модель электростанции позволяет использовать энергию как прилива, так и отлива. Для этого сооружаются два бассейна: в одном из них уровень воды всегда выше уровня моря, в другом — всегда ниже. В идеальном случае приливная ГЭС эксплуатирует две работающие попеременно системы. Турбины, установленные в них, направлены в противоположные стороны.
Донные (приливно-отливные) турбины
Приливы и отливы порождают течения в непосредственной близости от неровной береговой линии. Прибрежные течения направлены параллельно берегу, обратные течения образуют крупные водовороты у побережья. Подобные приливным волнам течения также могут возникать в результате крупных штормов в открытом океане. Кроме того, в разных частях мирового океана существуют крупные постоянные течения. Одним из самых известных таких течений является Гольфстрим, берущий начало в Мексиканском заливе, огибающий полуостров Флорида и пересекающий Атлантический океан к Британским островам. Другой пример — Аляскинское течение, северная ветвь Северо-Тихоокеанского течения, движущееся вдоль берегов залива Аляска с юга на север и далее с востока на запад.
Донные турбины очень похожи на ветряные турбины. Приливная турбина и ее опора закрепляются на морском дне. Несколько таких турбин образуют приливной турбинный парк. Каждая турбина подсоединена к электрогенератору. Вся система находится под водой, с поверхности ее не видно. Скорость океанических течений ниже скорости ветра, но вода в сотни раз плотнее воздуха, и давит она на единицу площади лопастей турбины с гораздо большей силой. Поэтому приливные турбины гораздо меньше ветряных
Results (
English) 1:
Tidal power Ocean tides are caused by the interaction of gravitational fields of the Moon and the Sun with the Earth's rotation around its axis. Simplifying, we can say that the tides is the waves possessing extremely long period (time of full oscillation cycle) with two (in most places) ridges (the highest point of the tide) and two hollows (lowest point of low tide) daily.Tidal WeirTidal barrage resembles a small dam with two gateways (vodospuskami), which can be opened and closed, allowing water to flow from one basin to another due to the difference of heights. This course gives effect to the turbine, connected to èlektrogeneratoru.At high tide pool is filled through the Grand Canal (not shown on the diagram) until the tide reaches the highest point (CREST). At this time the floodgates shut, and the turbine is not working. The apogee of the tide, the water level in the pool is at the level of the sea outside the pool. With the onset of low tide the sea level falls and pool starts working as reservoir: opened the floodgates, and water passes through the turbine, leading generator in action. The maximum tide water still continues to flow through the turbine, but soon the level of water in the ocean increases (begins a new tide), and water levels in the ocean and pool. Gateways are closed again, the turbine is stopped and the pool is filled again with the tide. Another model of power station allows you to use energy as high tide and low tide. For this purpose built two swimming pools: one water level is always above sea level is always below. Ideally, tidal HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION operates two working alternately system. Turbines installed in them, sent in opposite directions.Bottom (tidal saltmarsh) turbineTides give rise to currents in the vicinity of the uneven coastline. Coastal currents directed parallel to the shore, reverse flow form the large swirling off the coast. These tidal waves of currents can also occur as a result of major storms in the open ocean. In addition, different parts of the ocean there are large permanent currents. One of the most famous of these currents is the Gulf stream, which began in the Gulf of Mexico, around the Florida peninsula and crosses the Atlantic to the British Isles. Another example is during the northern branch, Akst — Alaska North Pacific currents moving along the shores of the Gulf of Alaska from South to North and from East to West the next.Bottom of the turbine is very similar to wind turbines. Tidal turbine and its bracket fixed to the seabed. Several of these turbines form a tidal turbine park. Each turbine is connected to the èlektrogeneratoru. The whole system is under water, it is not visible from the surface. The speed of ocean currents below wind speed, but the water hundreds of times denser than air, and crushes it per unit area of turbine blades with much greater force. So much less tidal turbine wind
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Results (
English) 2:
Tidal power Ocean tides are caused by the interaction of gravitational fields of the Moon and Sun with the Earth's rotation around its axis. Simplifying, we can say that the tides - a wave having an extremely long period (time of full oscillating cycle) with two (in most places) ridges (the highest point of the tide) and two troughs (low points low tide) on a daily basis. A tidal barrage tidal dam resembles a small dam with two gateways (floodgates), which can be opened and closed, allowing water to flow from one basin to another due to the difference of heights. This flow drives a turbine coupled to an electric generator. In the high tide pool filled through a large channel (not shown in the diagram) as long as the tide reaches the highest point (ridge). At this time locks are closed and the turbine is not operating. The apogee of the tide pool water level corresponds to the level of the sea outside the pool. Since the beginning of low tide the sea level is lowered, and the pool starts to work as a reservoir: the floodgates opened, and water passes through the turbines driving a generator. The maximum point of the tide water still continues to flow through the turbine, but soon the water level rises in the ocean (starting a new surge), and water levels in the ocean and pool are aligned. The gateways are closed again, the turbine stops and the pool is filled again with the tide. Another model of power allows you to use energy as a high tide and low tide so. To do this, we constructed two pools: one of which the water level is always above sea level, in the other - always lower. Ideally, the tidal HPP operates two alternately operating system. Turbines installed in them in opposite directions. The bottom (tidal) turbines tides generate currents in the vicinity of the rough coastline. Coastal currents are directed parallel to the coast, the reverse currents form large eddies near the coast. Such flow of tidal waves can also occur as a result of major storms in the open ocean. In addition, in different parts of the world ocean there are large constant flow. One of the most famous of these currents is the Gulf Stream, originating in the Gulf of Mexico, enveloping the Florida peninsula and crossed the Atlantic to the British Isles. Another example - for Alaska, the northern branch of the North Pacific currents moving along the coast of the Gulf of Alaska south to north and then from east to west. The bottom of the turbine are very similar to wind turbines. Tidal turbine and its bearing fixed to the seabed. Several of these turbines form a tidal turbine park. Each turbine is connected to an electric generator. The entire system is under the water surface it is not visible. Speed ocean currents below the wind speed, but the water is in hundreds times more dense than air, and it presses per unit area of the turbine blade with a much greater force. Therefore, much less tidal turbine wind
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Results (
English) 3:
tidal power plant
ocean tides are caused by the interaction of the gravitational fields луны и sun with the rotation of the earth on its axis. simplifying, we can say that the tides are the waveswith very long period (the time of the oscillating cycle) with two (in most places) combs (the highest point of the tide) and two trenches (troughs is daily tidal dam
it resembles a small dam dam with two gateways (водоспусками) that can be opened and closed, allowing water to flow from one basin to another due to the difference of heights.this current operates the turbine via the connected to the электрогенератору.
in the tide pool filled in canal (figure not shown) untilwhile the tide reaches the highest point (iliac crest). at this time, the door is closed, and the turbine is not working. in apogee tide water level in a pool is at the level of the sea outside of the pool.with the turning of the tide sea level decreases, and the pool starts to work as a container, the floodgates opened, and the water passes through the turbine generator, which in effect.the maximum point is the water still continues to flow through the turbine, but soon the water level in the ocean is increasing (starts the new high tide), and water levels in the ocean and caribbean levelled out.the door closed again, the turbine is stopped and the pool again filled with the tide. the other model plants allows the use of power as the tide comes in, and when the tide is out. this are two pools:in one of them, the water level is above sea level, the other is always below. ideally, the tidal power station operates two systems working alternately. turbines installed in them.directed in opposite directions.
bottom (tide отливные) turbine
tides generated currents in the immediate vicinity of the irregular coastline.coastal currents are directed parallel to the return currents form a large whirlpools off the coast. such приливным surge currents may also arise as a result of major storms in the open ocean.in addition, in different parts of the oceans are large constant currents. one of the most famous of these currents is the gulf stream, and the beginning of the gulf of mexicoогибающий peninsular florida and crosses the atlantic ocean on the british isles. another example is the alaska current, the north branch of the north pacific currentmoving along the shores of the gulf of alaska, south to north and then east to west.
bottom turbines are very similar to wind turbines. tidal turbine and its base fixed to the sea bottom.several of these turbines are tidal turbine park. each turbine is connected to электрогенератору. the whole system is under water, with the surface not visible.the speed of ocean currents below the wind speed, but the water hundreds of times denser air, and pressing it on the unit square blades turbine with much more power. therefore, tidal turbines are much less wind
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