Я выбрала количество дней 54 потому что надеюсь, что за этот срок познакомлюсь с кем-нибудь из твоей семьи. Позже я смогу пробыть в Корее 36 дней, надеюсь этого времени нам будет достаточно
I chose the number of days 54 because I hope that during this period to meet with someone from your family. Later I'll be able to stay in Korea for 36 days, I hope this time we will have enough
I chose 54 days because I hope that during this time seeking to someone in your family. Later, I will be able to stay in Korea for 36 days, I hope this time it will be enough
i choose the number of days 54 because i hope that this time i meet someone in your family. later, i can stay in korea for 36 days, hope this time we will be enough