Билетов в купейный вагон не было, мне пришлось взять в общий. – Какой ужас! Шесть часов в душном, переполненном вагоне. – Ничего, мы в молодости на товарняках ездили.
Угонщики сели в самолет в Хитроу.
Извини, что я опоздал. Я попал в пробку на пересечении 22 Западной улицы и Рио-Гранде. – Ничего. Нам некуда спешить. Нам надо еще зарегистрироваться и получить посадочные талоны, а также пройти через спецконтроль.
Вот ваш билет и посадочный талон. Посадка на самолет через выход №10.
Прибытие рейса 222 М Аэрофлота задерживается из-за бури над Атлантикой.
Речные и морские круизы – довольно дорогой вид отдыха, но они пользуются огромной популярностью.
«Селебрити» отплывает из Сан-Хуана 10 сентября в полдень.
Хотя Евротуннель сокращает время путешествия от Англии до континента до 40 минут, многие путешественники продолжают пользоваться паромными переправами, так как они намного дешевле.
За ночь вода поднялась, и нечего было и думать о том, чтобы переправиться через реку на лодке.
В большинство горных сел автобусы не ходят, так как там нет шоссейных дорог. Добраться туда можно либо на вертолете, либо на лошадях.
Так как меня никто не провожал, я ушел в свою каюту, чтобы не видеть, как стоящие на палубе люди махали и кричали что-то друзьям и родственникам на пирсе.
Чтобы развивать туризм в этом регионе, необходимо построить хорошие дороги, станции техобслуживания, открыть автозаправки, гостиницы и рестораны.
Results (
English) 1:
Tickets in compartment car was not, I had to take in common. -What a mess! Six hours in a stuffy, crowded. -Nothing, we in youth on tovarnjakah rode. The hijackers boarded the plane at Heathrow.Sorry that I was late. I got stuck in traffic at the intersection of 22 Western Street and Rio Grande. -Nothing. We have nowhere to hurry. We must still register and get boarding passes, as well as go through special control.Here's your ticket and boarding pass. Boarding via exit 10.Arrival flight 222 m Aeroflot is delayed because of storms over the Atlantic.River and sea cruises-rather expensive kind of holiday, but they are extremely popular. «Celebrity» departs from San Juan on September 10 at noon.Although Eurotunnel shortens the journey from England to the continent up to 40 minutes, many travelers continue to use ferries as they are much cheaper.During the night the water rose, and there was nothing to think about how to cross the river by boat.In most of the mountain villages of buses do not go because there are no roads. You can get there either by helicopter or on horseback.Because nobody saw, I went to his cabin, not to see how standing on deck, people waved and shouted something to friends and relatives on the pier.To develop tourism in this region, you need to build good roads, service station, open petrol stations, hotels and restaurants.
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Results (
English) 2:
Tickets in compartment car was not, I had to take in general. - Horrible! Six hours in a stuffy, crowded train. - Do not worry, we are a young man on a freight train went.
The hijackers boarded the plane at Heathrow.
I'm sorry I was late. I got stuck in traffic at the intersection of 22nd Street and West of the Rio Grande. - Nothing. We were in no hurry. We must also register and receive boarding passes and go through the special control.
Here's your ticket and boarding pass. . Boarding a plane through the outlet №10
Departure Arrival 222 M Aeroflot delayed because of storms over the Atlantic.
The river and sea cruises - a rather expensive form of recreation, but they are very popular.
"Celebrity" sailed from San Juan on September 10 at noon.
although Eurotunnel reduces travel time from England to the continent to 40 minutes, many travelers continue to use ferries, as they are much cheaper.
during the night the water rose, and there was nothing to think about how to cross the river by boat.
In most mountain villages buses do not go, because there are no roads. You can get there either by helicopter or on horseback.
Since I have no one saw off, I went to his cabin, not to see people standing on the deck waved and shouted something to friends and relatives on the pier.
In order to develop tourism in this region, it is necessary to build good roads, service stations, gas stations open, hotels and restaurants.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
tickets in the купейный wagon was not, i had to take in common. - what a mess! six hours in the hot, crowded car. - we was on the товарняках went.the hijackers boarded the plane at heathrow.i'm sorry that i'm late. i got held up in traffic at 22 west street and the rio grande. - nothing. we have nowhere to go. we have yet to register and obtain boarding passes, as well as through спецконтроль.here is your ticket and boarding pass. boarding the plane through the exit 10.the arrival of flight 222 m car is delayed because of the storm over the atlantic.river and sea cruises is a fairly expensive type of rest, but they enjoy great popularity."селебрити» sails from san juan on september 10 at noon.although евротуннель reduces the time of travel from england to the continent to 40 minutes, many travelers continue to use the ferry переправами, as they are much cheaper.at night, the water level, and there was nothing to think about how to cross the river by boat.in most of the mountain took the buses don't run, as there are no roads. you can get there either by helicopter or by horses.since i didn't get, i went up to my room to see how standing on deck, people were waving and shouting something friends and relatives on the pier.to develop the tourism in this region, it is necessary to build good roads, gas stations, to open a gas station, hotels, and restaurants.
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