Дело в том что для 14301 нет флайт планов в базе из которых берется значение высоты, поэтому и не работает. А вот например для 20399 планы есть на стейдже и там все работает.
The fact is that there is no flight plans 14301 base from which to take the value of the height, and therefore does not work. And here's the example to have plans on 20399 stejdže and there everything works.
The fact that there is no 14301 Flight plans in the base of which the height is taken, therefore, does not work. But such plans have to 20399 on the Stage, and everything works.
the point is to 14301 no flight plans in the base of which is the height value, however, and does not work. now, for example, 20399 plans have стейдже and it works.