оу,мы в финляндии планируем побыть 3 дня побольше времени в эстонии. там есть неплохой пляж, на котором можно отдохнуть:) сколько у тебя будет времени на отдых этим летом?
Oh, we in Finland are planning to stay 3 daysmore time in Estonia. There is a nice beach where you can relax:)how much you will have time to rest this summer?
oh, we in Finland are planning to stay 3 days more time in Estonia. there is a nice beach where you can relax :) how much you will have time to rest this summer?
oh, we are planning to stay for three days in finlandmore time in estonia. there"s a good beach, where you can relax.how much do you have time for vacation this summer?