Почему когда я была рядом,могла быть с тобой ты вредничал,не хотел быть ласковым со мной,а когда меня нет ты улыбаешься и доволен?тебе лучше когда меня нет?
Why when I was next, to be with you vredničal, you did not want to be affectionate with me, and when I do you're smiling and pleased with? you better when I don't have?
Why when I was there, you could be with you vrednichala not want to be gentle with me, and when I do not have you smiling and happy? You better when I'm not?
Why when i was near,could be with you you're вредничал,do not wish to be master an aqualung with me,and when I am not can see you smile and satisfied?You better when I am not?