Интересная тема – «Правда и ложь в сети». Почему интересная? Объясню.  translation - Интересная тема – «Правда и ложь в сети». Почему интересная? Объясню.  English how to say

Интересная тема – «Правда и ложь в

Интересная тема – «Правда и ложь в сети». Почему интересная? Объясню. Я очень хорошо знаю фразу сериального персонажа доктора Хауса – «Все люди лгут». Оценивая эту фразу я прихожу к выводу, что так оно и есть в реальной жизни и это явление совсем не связано с положительной или отрицательной характеристикой человека, а связано с природой человека с его жизнедеятельностью.
ожь окружает нас всюду. Льется из официальных источников, от окружающих, ложью пропитано всё и все кругом. Она забрала наше прошлое, обманывает в настоящем, лишает будущего. Не так давно ложь маскировалась под яркими заголовками: «Наконец-то рассекречены архивы», «Невероятно, но факт», «Шокирующая правда». Сегодня блюдо стало изысканнее, тоньше. Потребители информации делятся на 2 категории: простачков и гурманов. Первые однозначно верят официальным СМИ, даже, если жизнь убеждает в обратном. А вторые черпают новости из интернета, ищут правду. Вот на них и работают мастера обманаЗабастовка в ФСБ, бабушка с картофелинкой, требование православных атеистов запретить астрономию в России, Путинское ГТО или заявление Медведева об отказе от докторской только потому, что это было бы смешно – как отличить заведомую ложь от правды? Зачем столько дезинформации? Кому это нужно?Есть юмористические сайты, которые честно предупреждают о том, что вся их информация выдумана - politfun.net или politik-an.narod.ru. Есть те, не знать о фейковости которых нельзя: Fognews или Штурм-новости (оба позиционируют себя как оппозиционные сайты), HOBOSTI, LookCool, samoeglavnoe.pro, eldeforma.com, theonion.com, uareview.com/ и другие. Но есть и такие, в которых правда перемешана с ложью: Новая газета, Slon, smartnews (сравните smartnews.ru и slon.ru) .
Что делать? Брать все подряд новости мы не можем, ведь если даже по недосмотру разместить ложную информацию, одна такая «новость» родит в читателе подозрение. Ещё одна укрепит его. А третья ложь оттолкнет навсегда. Вдумчивый читатель жаждет правды.
Можно сверяться с такими сайтами как odnako.org илиoko-planet.su . Но как не попасть на очередное враньё? Как найти правду?
Вот довольно полный разбор вбросов (пишет путинофилка, но интересно) ankelliya.livejournal.com или cuamckuykot.ru.
Исследователи выделили характерную особенность человеческого восприятия, заключающуюся в том, что человек лучше усваивает ту информацию, которая похожа на уже существующие у него представления.
Конечно, есть «невинные» поводы для вброса – для поднятия рейтинга, посещаемости сайта. Но бывают и менее безобидные причины – современная война не предполагает обязательное использование танков и самолетов. Главное – деморализовать противника, чтобы некому было сесть за штурвал тех самолетов. Значит, информационно-психологическая составляющая войны максимально важна.
Информационная война – это захват сырьевых, энергетических, других ресурсов чужой страны посредством распространения на её территории ложной информации и манипуляции сознанием населения, устраняющей способность этого населения к сопротивлению. Источник maxpark.com.
В информационной войне важнейшую роль выполняет манипуляция сознанием. Это технология доставки ложной информации. В результате этого население оказывается деморализованным и в первую очередь – молодёжь.
Понятие “информационная война” родилось в среде военных и обозначает, прежде всего, жесткую, решительную и опасную деятельность, сопоставимую с реальными боевыми действиями.
Для закрепления контроля применяются различные методы:
1. Экономический контроль за счёт создания искусственных финансовых кризисов – выход, получение “льготных” кредитов, которые выделяются МВФ. Для получения кредита нужно выполнить ряд обязательств, как правило, заведомо невыполнимых. (Венесуэла и др. государства).
2. Скрытие существенной информации. Этот метод состоит в умалчивании информации, существенно влияющей на принятие решения или просто интересной обществу.
3. Информационный мусор. Этот метод состоит в том, что, если спрятать совсем нужную информацию нельзя, ее погружают в огромный поток пустой информации.
Если вы не хотите, чтобы человек имел доступ к качественной информации, а скрыть ее не можете, забейте его информационные каналы мусором. Сюда же примыкает обилие бессмысленных репортажей и шоу на телевидении. Вещать надо много часов.
Идеальным примером применения этого метода является ежегодное общение Президента с народом через средства массовой информации. Заранее формируется пакет безобидных вопросов, на которые Президент с явным удовольствием подготавливает пространные ответы, а реальные вопросы не проходят через кордоны милиции.
4. Смещение понятий. Этот метод состоит в том, что общепризнанный термин используется не по назначению, и его смысл в общественном сознании смещается.
5. Отвлечение внимания. Этот метод состоит в том, что внимание человека, выбирающего информацию, привлекается к незначимым событиям, отвлекая его от существенных событий.
В эту категорию попадают бесконечные новости по телевидению о пожарах, наводнениях и переворотах во всех странах, кроме одной (угадайте, какой именно).
6. Применение ничего не значащих понятий. Этот метод состоит в использовании понятий, находящихся на слуху, но не имеющих определения, и, в сущности, не имеющих смысла.
“Духовность” – классический пример. Имеется ли в виду под “бездуховностью” необразованность, невоспитанность, атеизм или еще что-то, непонятно.
Непревзойденным виртуозом потока бессмысленной информации был во времена своего генсекства М.С. Горбачев. До сих пор, читая его речи или статьи, очень непросто понять, что он вообще хотел сказ
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Interesting topic-"truth and falsehood. Why interesting? Will explain. I know very well the phrase serial character Dr. House-"all people lie. In assessing this phrase I come to the conclusion that the way it is in real life and this phenomenon is not associated with a positive or negative human characteristic, and is connected to human nature with its life.ož′ surrounds us everywhere. Flows from official sources from the surrounding, lie pervades everything and all around. She took our past, deceives, robs the future in the present. Not so long ago, masked by a bright lie headings: "finally declassified archives", "incredible but true", "the shocking truth". Today, the dish has become more refined, thinner. Consumers are divided into 2 categories: targeting naïve folks and gourmets. The first unequivocally believe official media, even if life convinces in reverse. The second scoop news from the Internet, looking for the truth. Here's to them and run the wizard obmanaZabastovka in BSF, Granny with kartofelinkoj, the requirement of the Orthodox atheists deny astronomy in Russia, Putin's GTO or Medvedev's statement renouncing doctoral just because it would be funny-how to tell deliberate lies from the truth? Why so much disinformation? Who needs it? There are humorous sites that honestly warn that all their information is fictional-politfun.net or an.narod.ru-politik. There are those that do not know about fejkovosti which cannot be: Fognews or assault-News (both are positioning themselves as oppositional websites), HOBOSTI, LookCool, samoeglavnoe.pro, eldeforma.com, theonion.com, uareview.com/and others. But there are those in which truth mixed with lies: Novaya Gazeta, Slon, smartnews (compare smartnews.ru and slon.ru).What should I do? Take all the news we can not, because even if you inadvertently post false information, one such "news" bear in the reader. Another would strengthen it. And the third a lie may cease forever. A thoughtful reader longs for truth.You can refer to such sites as odnako.org ilioko-planet.su. But how not to get on the regular urban legends? How to find the truth?Here's a pretty full analysis of random drawing (writes putinofilka, but interesting) ankelliya.livejournal.com or cuamckuykot.ru.Researchers have identified the characteristic of human perception, that person is better to assimilate the information, which is similar to the existing submission to him.Of course, there are "innocent" reasons for stuffing-for raising the rating of attendance of a site. But there are also less innocuous reasons-modern warfare does not imply the obligation to use tanks and planes. The main thing is to demoralize the enemy, so no one had to sit behind the wheel of those aircraft. Means of information and psychological component of war as much as possible is important.Information warfare is a raw capture, energy and other resources of another country on its territory, through the dissemination of false information and manipulation of consciousness of the population, eliminating the ability of the population to resist. Source maxpark.com.In the information war critical role performs the manipulation of consciousness. This is the technology of delivery of false information. As a result, the population demoralised staff and especially the young.The notion of "information warfare" was born in the military environment and denotes primarily, tough, strong and dangerous activity, comparable with real fighting.To consolidate control by using different methods:1. Economic control at the expense of creation of artificial financial crises-exit "concessional" loans, which are allocated by the IMF. To get the loan you need to perform a number of obligations are generally known to be impossible. (Venezuela, etc.).2. hiding substantial information. This technique consists in awareness information, significantly influencing the decision or simply interesting society.3. Information trash. This method is that, if the required information cannot be completely hide, it dipped into the huge flow of information is empty.If you don't want people to have access to quality information, and hide it can't kick its information channels. It also abuts the abundance of pointless reportage and shows on television. Broadcasting should be a lot of hours.A perfect example of the application of this method is the annual communication of the President with the people through the media. The package is formed in advance innocuous questions, to which the President with obvious pleasure preparing lengthy responses, but the real questions don't go through police cordons.4. Offset concepts. This method is that the generally accepted term is used for other purposes, and its meaning in the public consciousness is shifting.5. Distraction. This method is that the attention of the person selecting the information drawn to insignificant events, distracting it from significant events.This category includes endless televised news on fires, floods and the upheavals in all countries except one (guess which one).6. the use of meaningless concepts. This technique consists in using concepts that are on everyone's lips, but without definition, and, in fact, have no meaning."Spirituality" is a classic example. Does mean by "spiritual impoverishment of" ignorance, rudeness, atheism, or something else, is unclear.A consummate virtuoso senseless flow of information was at the time of its gensekstva M.s. Gorbachov. Still, reading his speech or article, it is very difficult to understand what he wanted the tale
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Interesting topic - "Truth and lies in the network." Why interesting? Let me explain. I know very well the phrase serial character of Dr. House - "Liars All." Assessing the phrase I come to the conclusion that the way it is in real life, and this phenomenon is not due to the positive or negative feature of the person, and due to the nature of man with his life.
Ozh surrounds us everywhere. It flows from official sources, from others, lie permeated everything and everyone around. She took our past, cheating in the present, depriving the future. Not long ago, a lie disguised under the bright headlines: "Finally declassified archives," "Unbelievable but true", "shocking truth". Today, the dish has become more refined, more subtle. Information users are divided into two categories: simpletons and gourmets. The first clearly believe the official media, even if life proves the opposite. A second draw news from the Internet, looking for the truth. That's on them and run the wizard obmanaZabastovka FSB, grandmother kartofelinkoy requirement Orthodox atheists astronomy ban in Russia, Putin's TRP and Medvedev's statement on the refusal of the doctoral only because it would be ridiculous - how to tell deliberate lies from the truth? Why so much misinformation? Who needs it? There are humorous sites that honestly warned that all their information is invented - politfun.net or politik-an.narod.ru. There are those unaware of which can not create fake: Fognews or Sturm news (both positioning themselves as opposition websites), HOBOSTI, LookCool, samoeglavnoe.pro, eldeforma.com, theonion.com, uareview.com/ and others. But there are those in which the truth is mixed with falsehood: Novaya Gazeta, Slon, smartnews (compare smartnews.ru and slon.ru).
What to do? Taking everything news, we can not, because even if inadvertently post false information, one such "news" will give birth to a suspicion in the reader. Another strengthen him. A third lie alienate forever. Thoughtful reader hungry for the truth.
You can check with such sites as the odnako.org ilioko-planet.su. But how not to get to the next lie? How to find the truth?
That's quite a complete analysis of stuffing (writes putinofilka, but interesting) ankelliya.livejournal.com or cuamckuykot.ru.
Researchers have identified a characteristic feature of human perception is the fact that people are better absorbed the information that is similar to the existing ones have his performance.
Of course, there are "innocent" reasons for stuffing - to raise the rating, site traffic. But there are also less innocuous reasons - modern war does not involve compulsory use of tanks and aircraft. The main thing - to demoralize the enemy, there was no one to sit at the helm of the aircraft. Hence, information-psychological war, the most important component.
Information warfare - a seizure of raw materials, energy and other resources of a foreign country through the distribution in its territory of false information and manipulating the consciousness of the population, eliminating the ability of the population to resist. Source maxpark.com.
The information war fulfills a vital role manipulation of consciousness. This technology is delivering false information. As a result, the population is demoralized and above all - young people.
The notion of "information war" was born in an environment of war and represents, above all, a tough, resolute and dangerous activity that is comparable to the actual fighting.
To consolidate control used various methods:
1. Economic control by creating artificial financial crises - the output, obtaining "soft" loans, which are allocated IMF. To obtain a loan you need to fulfill a number of obligations, as a rule, obviously unrealistic. (Venezuela et al. State).
2. Hiding essential information. This method consists in concealment of information significantly affects the decision or just an interesting society.
3. Information debris. This method consists in the fact that, if absolutely necessary to hide the information is not, it is immersed in a huge flow information blank.
If you do not want people to have access to quality information, and it can not hide, drive his garbage information channels. This also joins the abundance of meaningless stories and shows on television. Broadcast need a lot of hours.
A perfect example of this method is the annual communication of the President to the people through the media. Pre-formed package innocuous questions that President with obvious pleasure prepare lengthy answers, the real issues are not going through the police cordon.
4. Offset concepts. This method is generally recognized that the term is not used for its intended purpose and its meaning in the public consciousness shifts.
5. Distraction. This method consists in the fact that the attention of the person who chooses the information is drawn to the significant event, distracting him from significant events.
This category includes endless news on television about fires, floods and revolutions in all countries except one (guess which one) .
6. Application meaningless concepts. This method consists in the use of concepts, which are at the hearing, but no definition, and, in fact, have no meaning.
"Spirituality" - a classic example. Is there meant by "lack of spirituality" lack of education, lack of manners, atheism, or something else, is not clear.
Consummate virtuoso stream of meaningless information was during his gensekstva MS Gorbachev. Until now, reading his speech or article, it is very difficult to understand what he wanted to do the tale
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
an interesting topic - "the truth and falsehood in the network. why good? explain. i know very well the phrase сериального character dr. house - "all the people лгут». in this part, i come to the conclusionthat's how it is in real life, and that the phenomenon is not related to positive or negative characteristic of rights, and relates to the nature of man to his defence.
ожь surrounds us everywhere.from official sources, from the others lies in everything and everyone. she took our past, lies in the present, is the future. not so long ago, lies маскировалась under two headings:"finally рассекречены архивы»," incredible, but a matter of fact, the shocking truth. this dish has become изысканнее, thinner. consumers of information are divided into two categories: hair combed like that and gourmet.the first clearly believe the official media, even if life only in reverse. a second receive news from the internet, looking for the truth. here they are in the обманазабастовка fsb, grandma with картофелинкой,the orthodox atheists to astronomy in russia, the putin medvedev teg or statement denying his only because that would be ridiculous, how to distinguish заведомую lies from the truth?why so much misinformation? who needs it? there is humour sites to warn that all their information is politfun.net fictionalized or politik-an.narod.ru. people don't know about you, фейковостиFognews or assault - news (both are positioning themselves as opposition sites), HOBOSTI, LookCool, samoeglavnoe.pro, eldeforma.com, theonion.com, uareview.com /, and others. but there are also those in which it перемешана lies: a new newspaper, the slon, smartnews (compare smartnews.en and slon.ru).
what to do? taking all sorts of news, we can't, because if i was inadvertently posted false information, a "news gives birth to читателе suspicion. another will strengthen him.and the third tip lies forever. thoughtful reader wants the truth.
can refer to such sites as odnako.org or oko-planet.su. but don't go to another lie? how to find the truth?
here's a full analysis of вбросов (writes путинофилка, but interesting) ankelliya.livejournal.com or cuamckuykot.ru.
researchers have the characteristic feature of human perception, namely,what better person absorbs the information similar to the already existing his submission.
of course, there is the "anti reason for вброса for better ratings, attendance at the site.but there are also less harmless reason is the modern war requires the mandatory use of tanks and planes. the important thing is to demoralise enemy, there was no one to sit behind the wheel of the aircraft. so,and psychological element of war as important. information warfare is a commodity, energy.other resources of a country through the dissemination of false information and manipulation on her territory consciousness of people, устраняющей ability of the population to rebel. the source maxpark.com.
in the information war, the crucial role of the manipulation of the mind. this technology is the delivery of false information. as a result, the population becomes demoralized and first of all is the young. "the concept of "information war" was born in the military and other means, first of all, tough, strong and dangerous activities comparable to real warfare.to consolidate the control apply various methods:
1. economic control on the establishment of financial crises is the way out, a "soft" loans provided by imf.for the credit needed to fulfil a number of obligations, as a rule, known to be unachievable. (venezuela et al. states).
2. concealment of material information. this method consists of silence information.significantly affect action or just interesting society.
3. the garbage. this method is that, if all the necessary information to youit is in the huge stream of empty information.
if you don't want people had access to high quality information, but it can't hide it, never mind the information channels of debris.this is followed with the spurious stories and tv show. broadcast to many hours.a perfect example of the application of this method is the annual communication of the people through the media. pre formed a seemingly innocent questionswhich president apparent pleasure is full of answers, the questions do not pass through police cordons.
4. shift of concepts. this method isthat a universally accepted term used by others, and its meaning in the public consciousness shifts.
5. distraction. this method is that the rights выбирающего informationis незначимым events, distracting him from significant events.
in this category are endless news on television on the fires, floods and coups from serving in all countries except one (guessa)
6. application of no significant concepts. this method consists in the use of concepts within sight, but not with the definition, and, in fact, have no meaning.
"spirituality" is a classic example.whether to mean "бездуховностью" uneducated, stared, atheism or something, i don't know.
unbeatable virtuoso stream of meaningless information at the time of its генсекства h.t.. gorbachev.still, in his speech or article, very easy to understand what he wanted is
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