Слушая последние новости о еде и питательных добавках, начинаешь верить, что они способны на все: от усиления внимания и концентрации до улучшения памяти и работы мозга.
Но так ли они эффективны? Нет смысла отрицать, что по мере того как мы стареем с хронологической точки зрения, наш организм стареет вместе с нами. Но мы можем увеличить шансы на сохранение здоровья нашего мозга употребляя правильные продукты.
Нет волшебного лекарства, которая мгновенно увеличила бы наш IQ и сделала бы нас намного умнее. Но некоторые вещества, например кофеин могут увеличить энергию и помочь нам сконцентрироваться. Кофеин, который содержится в кофе, шоколаде, энергетических напитках и некоторых лекарственных препаратах, помогает нам проснуться, хотя этот эффект длится недолго. А слишком большое количество кофеина может заставить нас нервничать и чувствовать себя не комфортно.
Источник белка, который активизирует работу мозга – это рыба. Богатая омега-3 жирными кислотами, рыба просто незаменима для нормального развития и функционирования мозга. Эти полезные жиры оказывают потрясающее влияние на наш мозг. Продукты с большим содержанием омега-3 жирных кислот снижают риск развития слабоумия и инсульта; замедляют расстройство мыслительных способностей и могут играть очень важную роль в усилении памяти, особенно с возрастом.
Наш головной мозг на 80 % состоит из воды, поэтому обезвоживание для него довольно губительно.
Необходимо в течение дня выпивать не менее 7 стаканов воды для улучшения работы мозга. Важно отметить, что сладкие соки, газировка, кофе и энергетические напитки выводят из организма воду.
Так же, как спортсмен рассчитывает на сон и правильную диету для достижения своих пиковых возможностей, ваша способность к запоминанию усиливается, когда снабжаете свой мозг хорошим питанием и другими здоровыми привычками. При тренировке тела, происходит тренировка памяти.
Так же сон улучшает память.
Когда вы лишены сна, ваша память не может работать на полную мощность. Творчество, способности решать задачи и навыки критического мышления оказываются под угрозой. Как известно, во время сна происходит обработка информации, поступившей в течение дня. Не важно, учитесь вы или работаете, лишение сна это может привести к катастрофе.
Таким образом, мы имеем 4 главных продукта с помощью которых мы бы мог
Results (
English) 1:
Listening to the latest news about food and nutritional supplements, you begin to believe that they can do everything from increase attention and concentration to improve memory and brain activity.But are they effective? There is no point denying that as we age with chronological point of view, our body is aging along with us. But we can increase the chances of maintaining the health of our brain eating the right foods.There is no magical cures, which instantly increased our IQ and would make us smarter. But some substances such as caffeine can increase energy and help us concentrate. Caffeine, which is found in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks and some drugs, helps us to wake up, although this effect does not last long. But too much caffeine can make us nervous and feel uncomfortable.Source of protein that activates the brain is a fish. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish is simply irreplaceable for normal development and functioning of the brain. These healthy fats have a tremendous impact on our brains. Products with high content of Omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of developing dementia and stroke; slow thinking ability and disorder can play a very important role in enhancing memory, especially with age. Our brain at 80% consists of water, so dehydration is a pretty disastrous.You need for the day drinking at least 7 glasses of water to improve the operation of the brain. It is important to note that the sweet juices, soda, coffee and energy drinks derive from the body of water.Just as an athlete looks forward to sleep and proper diet to achieve your peak ability, your ability to remember increases when throwing your brain a good diet and other healthy habits. When the training of the body, memory training occurs.As sleep improves memory.When you are deprived of sleep, your memory may not run at full power. Creativity, the ability to meet the challenges and critical thinking skills are under threat. As you know, during sleep is processing the information received in the course of the day. No matter you are studying or working, sleep deprivation can lead to disaster.
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Results (
English) 2:
Listening to the latest news about food and nutritional supplements, you begin to believe that they are capable of everything from increased attention and concentration to improve memory and brain function.
But whether they are effective? No point in denying that as we age with chronological point of view, our body gets old with us. But we can increase the chances of maintaining the health of our brain by eating the right foods. There is no magic drug that instantly would increase our IQ and would make us much smarter. But some substances, such as caffeine can increase energy and help us to concentrate. Caffeine contained in coffee, chocolate, energy drinks, and some drugs, helps us to wake up, although this effect does not last long. And too much caffeine can make us feel nervous and uncomfortable. The protein source that activates the brain - it's a fish. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, fish is indispensable for normal brain development and function. These healthy fats have a tremendous impact on our brains. Foods with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of dementia and stroke; slow down the breakdown of mental abilities and can play a very important role in enhancing memory, especially with age. Our brain is 80% water, so dehydration is quite disastrous for him. It should be during the day drink at least 7 glasses of water to improve the functioning of the brain. It is important to note that the sweet juices, soda, coffee and energy drinks excrete water. Just as an athlete relies on sleep and proper diet to achieve their peak capabilities, your ability to remember is enhanced when Accompany it with your brain a good diet and other healthy habits. When training the body, there is a memory training. Just sleep improves memory. When you are sleep deprived, your memory can not work at full capacity. Creativity, problem-solving abilities and critical thinking skills are compromised. It is known that during sleep is processed the information received during the day. It does not matter, you learn or work, sleep deprivation, it can lead to disaster.
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Results (
English) 3:
While listening to the latest news on the food and nutritional supplements and gizmos to believe, that they are capable to all: from increased attention and concentration to improve memory and brain work.
but whether or not they are effective? There is no reason to denyThat to the extent that we getting older… bring 'em on the historical point of view, our body is aging, together with us. But we can increase the chances for maintaining the health of our brain in the correct products.
There is no magic medicine, which instantly increased to our IQ and has made us a much smarter. But some of the substances, such as caffeine can increase energy and help us to focus on. Caffeine,Which is contained in coffee, chocolate, energy beverages and some medicines, helps us get up, although this effect does not last long.A too large number of caffeine can make us nervous and feel not comfortable.lord Source protein, which activates the brain - this fish. Rich omega-3 greasy acids,The fish is simply indispensable for the normal development and functioning of the brain. These useful fats have an amazing impact on our brain.Products with a high content of omega-3 fatty acids reduce the risk of dementia and stroke; slow down disorder ivø abilities and can play a very important role in enhancing memory,Especially with the age.
our brain at 80 per cent consists of water, therefore, dewatering for it is quite bad.
should be during the day drink more or less is not less than 7 cup water to improve the work of brain. It is important to note,That sweet juice, puttin' on, coffee and energy drinks boost from the body water.Lord in the same way as an athlete is counting on the CPA and the correct diet to achieve their peak capacity,Your ability to remember is increased, when снабжаете your brain a good nutrition and other healthy habits. When you're training your body, is workout memory.Lord the same sleep improves memory.
When you are denied sleep, your memory is not can be run at full power. Creativity, ability to meet the challenges and critical-thinking skills are under threat. As is well known,During the sleep state is processing of the information received in the course of the day. Is not it is important to learn how you or your industry, sleep deprivation can lead to disaster.
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