Только что Мама звонила Она взяла с меня обещание Что я передам ее слова тебе "Мы с папой тебя целуем и обнимаем, как сыночка. Береги себя. Не пропускай приемы пищи
Only thatMom calledShe took off my promiseThat I will give her the words you"We are the Pope kisses and hugs to you, as a son. Take care. Don't skip meals
Just Mom called She made me promise what I'll give you her words , "Your father and your kiss and embrace, like son. Take care of yourself. Do not skip meals
justmom calledshe made me promisei will tell her the words you"your dad you hugs and kisses, son. take care of yourself. don"t let the techniques of food