Оба брата, также как и их сестра, учатся водить машину. 3. У Ирины и Кати много общего. 4. На столе лежала раскрытая книга и несколько журналов. 5. Джин и тоник — его любимый напиток. 6. Первого сентября каждый студент получает студенческий билет. 7. Эта фотография моих школьных друзей напоминает мне о школьных годах. 8. Качество этих товаров прекрасное. 9. Рекламные ролики на телевидении становятся все более изобретательными. 10. У каждого из нас свои обязанности. 11. Я, также как и вы, удовлетворен результатами работы. 12. Все готово. 13. Все готовы начать опыт. 14. Алексей — один из тех сотрудников, которые всегда работают сверх нормы. 15. Фактически, Алик единственный сотрудник, который всегда работает сверхурочно. 16. В каждом городе, городке, деревушке имеется главная улица. 17. Вон там идут наши студенты и секретарша. 18. Вот и наш декан и преподаватели.
Results (
English) 1:
Both brothers, as well as their sister, learn to drive a car. 3. Irina and Katya have much in common. 4. One hundred Le lay an open book and a few magazines. 5. Gin and tonic — his favorite drink. 6. On 1 September each student receives student bi years. 7. This picture of my school friends NAPO recalled me of school years. 8. The quality of the goods. 9. The commercials on tv of Denia are becoming more inventive. 10. Each of us has its responsibilities. 11. I also like you, was satisfied with the performance. 12. all goto. 13. all are ready to begin the experience. 14. Alex is one of those staff members who are always working. 15. In fact, Alik only employee who is always working overtime. 16. In each House the city, town, village has a main street. 17. There goes our students and a Secretary. 18. that's our Dean and faculty.
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Results (
English) 2:
The two brothers, as well as their sister, learn to drive a car. 3. Irina and Katya have much in common. 4. On the table lay an open book and a few magazines. 5. Gin and tonic - his favorite drink. 6. On September each student receives a student card. 7. This picture is of my school friends reminds me of school days. 8. The quality of these fine products. 9. Commercials on TV are becoming more inventive. 10. Each of us has their own responsibilities. 11. I, like you, satisfied with the results of the work. 12. Everything is ready. 13. All are ready to begin the experience. 14. Alex - one of those employees who always work above the norm. 15. In fact, Alex is the only employee who is always working overtime. 16. In each city, town, village has a main street. 17. Yonder are our students and a secretary. 18. So our dean and faculty.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
the two brothers, and their sister, learning how to drive a car. 3. irina and kathy have a lot in common. 4. on the столе lay open the book and a few magazines. 5. gin and tonic his favourite drink. 6. on september 1, each student receives a student билет. 7. this picture of my school friends напоминает me about the school years. 8. the quality of these товаров beautiful. 9. advertisements on телевидении become more resourceful. 10. we each have our own responsibilities. 11. i, as you satisfied with the work. 12. all готово. 13. all ready to start the experiment. 14. alexei - one of those staff members who always work overtime. 15. in fact, we the only employee who always work overtime. 16. in каждом town, town, village has a main street. 17. there are our students and secretary. 18. that"s our dean and teachers.
Being translated, please wait..