Доброе утро! Просьба связаться с туристой по поводу продления номера. Так как билет на возврат у нее по 28/10, а проживание по 26/10. Нужно уточнить где она будет проживат 2 ночи
Good morning! Please contact turistoj regarding the extension of the rooms. Because a return ticket it 28/10 and 26/10 accommodation. Need to clarify where it will proživat 2 nights
Good morning! Please contact with tourists on the extension number. Since the return ticket for her on 28/10 and accommodation for 26/10. It is necessary to clarify where it will prozhivate 2 nights
good morning! please contact туристой on the extension plate. as a ticket for the return of her on 28 / 10, and living on 26 / 10. need to clarify where she will проживат 2 nights.