я думаю я тебе не подхожу. Ты хочешь партнершу для секса, а я хочу серьезных продолжительных отношений. я главный бухгалтер , а в сессии преподаватель. С кем он
I guess I'm not your type. You want a partner for sex, and I want a serious long-term relationship. I'm the chief accountant and a teacher in the session. With whom he
I think I told you not to come. You want a partner for sex, but I want serious long-term relationships. I am the Chief Accountant, and in the session. With whom he
I think I tell you do not come. I don't want to his/her partner for sex, and I want to serious long against. i am the chief accountant, and in the session instructor. With whom he