Зная, что до ближайшего населенного пункта ей пришлось бы добираться сутки, даже если бы она не повредила ногу, Джейн решила переждать снегопад в старой хижине, надеясь, что кто-нибудь обязательно придет к ней на помощь.
Knowing that the nearest locality it would have to travel daily, even if it had not damaged his leg, Jane decided to wait out the snow in an old hut, hoping that someone necessarily will come to her aid.
Knowing that to the nearest town it would have to get a day, even if it is not damaged leg, Jane has decided to wait out the snow in an old hut, hoping that someone will come to her aid.
knowing that the nearest locality it would take hours, even if she hadn"t broken leg, jane decided to wait out the storm in an old hut, hoping that someone would come to her aid.