3) Пока же практически в каждой туристской группе, отправляющейся в жаркие страны, происходят одни и те же печальные события. Туристы при купании в море получают долго незаживающие раны от острых кораллов и морских ежей. Многие просто обгорают на солнце, поскольку не имеют ни малейшего понятия о правилах пользования защитными кремами. Другие получают травмы при совершении морских прогулок на малых судах, например из-за качки падают в трюмные люки, сильно ударяются о такелаж и т.д. Конкретных примеров на эту тему можно привести сколько угодно.
4) Следует заметить, что все эти проблемы находятся не только в прямой зависимости от правильной подготовки к зарубежному туру, но и поведения туристов во время путешествия. Прежде чем впервые надеть ласты и маску с трубкой и сразу погрузиться в неизведанные просторы подводного царства у коралловых островов, туристам следовало бы попытаться сначала это сделать у самой кромки пляжа или в бассейне. Необходимо хорошо освоиться с данным (на первый взгляд простым) оборудованием, иначе потом, запутавшись в длинных ластах и спешно срывая под водой маску, можно получить травмы, наткнувшись на острые кораллы или от встречи с красивой, но опасной живностью морских глубин. Следует помнить, что в море, как в музее, лучше смотреть издали и не к чему не прикасаться руками.
5) О тропическом солнце и защитных кремах разговор должен быть особый, с пояснениями косметологов и врачей. Иногда в Египте российские туристы по привычке пользуются кремами для загара, а не от загара, после чего моментально становятся красными как вареные раки и начинают вылезать из собственной кожи как змеи. Основные правила пользования защитными кремами или маслами достаточно элементарны. Каждый такой крем имеет соответствующую степень защиты, умножив который на цифру 5 получим количество минут, в течение которых можно находиться под палящим солнцем, не опасаясь получить ожоги.
6) Любому туристу в поездке можно порекомендовать иметь при себе некоторые лекарства, прежде всего таблетки от живота, а также бактерицидный пластырь, иначе может статься, что царапины от кораллов придется бинтовать рулоном туалетной бумаги.
7) Несколько слов о «допустимой одежде» , которую туристы должны носить при совершении экскурсий в районы мусульманских святынь. В Египте и других странах можно наблюдать картину, когда рядом с мечетями, медресе и другими святыми местами во время совершения местными жителями намаза иностранные туристки разгуливают во фривольных нарядах и даже «топлес».
8) Ситуация с мелкими преступлениями, совершенными против туристов, также вызывает опасение. Как свидетельствует лондонский журнал «Холидей Уик» , каждый из двухсот туристов подвергается ограблению. Венгрия, Польша, ЮАР, Марокко, Гамбия, Израиль и Италия лидируют в списке самых неблагополучных в этом отношении стран.
10)ВТО (всемирная туристическая организация) полагает, что в большинстве случаев многих проблем можно было бы избежать, если бы правительственные органы, туристские фирмы и сами туристы заранее предпринимали необходимые меры предосторожности.
Results (
English) 1:
3) Meanwhile, in virtually every tourist group trainings in hot countries, occur the same sad events. Tourists when bathing in the sea get long not healing wounds from sharp coral and sea urchins. Many simply burn the Sun, because they do not have a clue about how to use protective creams. Others are injured when making cruises on smaller vessels, such as pitching fall into the hold hatches, hitting strongly on rigging, etc. examples on this topic you can bring as much as you like. 4) it should be noted that all these problems are not only depends on proper preparation to foreign tour, but also the behavior of tourists during travel. Before putting on flippers and snorkel mask and immediately plunge into uncharted expanses of the underwater Kingdom from coral islands, tourists should try first to do it at the very edge of the beach or in the pool. You need to get good with this (at first glance simple) equipment, otherwise then entangled in long fins and hastily plucking underwater mask, you can get an injury, stumbling on sharp corals or from meeting with the beautiful but dangerous creatures of the deep sea. It should be remembered that in the sea, like a Museum, better watch from afar and not to touch hands. 5) on tropical sun and protective creams conversation should be special, with explanations of cosmetologists and physicians. Russian tourists in Egypt sometimes habitually enjoyed creams for sunburn and not from sunburn, then instantly become red as boiled crayfish and start getting out of your own skin like snakes. The basic rules for using the protective creams or oils are trivial enough. Each such cream has a corresponding degree of protection by multiplying that number 5 will get the number of minutes during which you can be under the blazing sun without fear of burns. 6) any tourist on a trip you can recommend to be in possession of some drugs, especially the pill from the stomach, as well as the bactericidal plaster, otherwise it may well be that the scratches from corals have to swathe a roll of toilet paper.7) a few words on "permissible attire, which tourists must wear when making excursions to areas of Muslim shrines. In Egypt and other countries can watch picture when next to mosques, madrasahs and other holy places during the Commission of a foreign traveler's Salat locals wander in frivol'nyh attire and even topless. 8) Situation with small crimes committed against tourists, also of concern. As evidenced by the London Magazine "Holiday" Weekend, each of two hundred tourists are subjected to robbery. Hungary, Poland, South Africa, Morocco, Gambia, Israel and Italy lead the list of the most disadvantaged countries.10) WTO (World Tourism Organization) said that, in most cases, many problems could have been avoided if government agencies, tourist firms and tourists themselves take the necessary precautions in advance.
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Results (
English) 2:
3) In the meantime, almost every tourist group, go to the tropical countries, taking place the same sad events. Tourists bathing in the sea get long unhealed wounds from sharp coral and sea urchins. Many simply burn in the sun, because they do not have a clue on how to use protective creams. Other injured when making cruises on smaller vessels, for example because of the pitching fall into the bilge hatches, strongly hit the rigging, etc. Specific examples on this subject can be reduced as much as necessary.
4) It should be noted that all these problems are not only in direct relation to the proper preparation for a foreign tour, but also the behavior of the tourists while traveling. Before the first time to put on flippers and a mask with a tube and immediately plunge into the uncharted expanses of the underwater kingdom from coral islands, tourists should first try to do this at the very edge of the beach or in the pool. You must familiarize yourself well with the (seemingly simple) facilities, or later, entangled in the long fins and hastily tearing off the mask under water, you can get injured, stumbled on sharp coral or a meeting with a beautiful but dangerous living creatures of the deep sea. It should be remembered that in the sea, as in a museum, it is best to watch from a distance and there is nothing not to touch hands.
5) Tropical sun protection creams and conversation to be special, with explanations beauticians and doctors. Sometimes in Egypt Russian tourists habitually use sunblock, not from the sun, and then immediately turn red as boiled crawfish and start to get out of your own skin like a snake. Basic rules for using protective creams or oils rather elementary. Each cream has an appropriate degree of protection, multiplying which the digit 5 will get the number of minutes for which you can be under the scorching sun, without fear of being burned.
6) to any tourist on a trip can be recommended to be in possession of some drugs, especially from the stomach pills as well as bactericidal plaster, otherwise it may be that the scratches from the coral will have to bandage roll of toilet paper.
7) a few words about the "acceptable dress" that tourists should wear when making excursions to areas of Muslim shrines. In Egypt and other countries can be seen now, when next to mosques, madrassas and other holy sites at the time of the locals prayer foreign tourists roam in frivolous clothes, and even a "topless".
8) The situation with small crimes committed against tourists, also causes fear. As the London-based magazine "Holiday Week", each of two hundred tourists are robbed. Hungary, Poland, South Africa, Morocco, Gambia, Israel and Italy are in the lead in the list of the most disadvantaged in this respect countries.
10) of the WTO (World Tourism Organisation) estimates that, in most cases, many problems could have been avoided if the government agencies, tourist firms and tourists themselves in advance to take the necessary precautions.
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Results (
English) 3:
3) now in almost every tourist group, отправляющейся in a hot country, have the same sad events. tourists if you go in the sea are long незаживающие wounds from sharp coral and sea urchins. many people simply burn in the sun, because you don"t have the faintest idea about the rules of protective creams. other injuries of cruises on small vessels, for example due to the pitch and roll down in the sewer manholes, much ударяются of rigging and so on. specific examples of this theme can bring as many as you want.(4) it should be noted that all of these problems are not only determined by the proper preparation for overseas tour, but the behaviour of tourists during the journey. before the first to wear flippers and a mask, snorkel and dive in the uncharted vastness of underwater kingdom at the coral islands, tourists should try it first to the edge of the beach or in the pool. should be well oriented with the (at first glance a simple) equipment, then, entangled in the long ластах and hastily unhook underwater mask, you can receive the injury, наткнувшись sensitive corals or meeting with a beautiful but dangerous creatures of the ocean depths. it should be remembered that in the sea like a better looking from a distance, and not to touch with my hands.(5) the tropical sun and protective кремах conversation should be special, with explanations, beauticians and doctors. sometimes in egypt, russian tourists could enjoy the suntan cream and sunscreen, after which it becomes red like boiled crawfish and start to come out of his skin like a snake. the basic rules for the use of protective creams or oils is элементарны. each block has a degree of protection, with which the number 5, get the number of minutes, during which you can stay in the sun without fear of getting burned.6) a tourist trip to recommend to some drugs, especially drugs from the stomach, as well as бактерицидный patch, or it may be that the scratch from corals have бинтовать рулоном toilet paper.7) a few words about the "permissible clothing" that tourists should wear for excursions in the areas of muslim shrines. in egypt and other countries, you can see the picture when near mosques, madrasas and other holy sites at the time of the local residents from foreign tourists wandering in фривольных dresses and even "топлес».8) the petty crimes committed against the tourists, is also a matter of concern. as shown in the london magazine "holiday уик», each of 200 tourists were robbed. hungary, poland, south africa, morocco
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