По исследованиям одного из известных Российских туристических сайтов “turstat.com” выяснилось, что Туристическийй Центр “Шахдаг” входит в первую тройку самых популярных курортов для Трекинга.
The research of one of the famous Russian tourist sites "turstat.com" revealed that Turističeskijj tsentr "Shahdag" among the top three most popular resorts for trekking.
According to research one of the famous Russian tourist sites "turstat.com" revealed that Turisticheskiyy center "Shahdag" among the top three most popular resorts for Tracking.
the research of a famous russian tourist sites "turstat.com" it turns out that туристическийй centre "shakhdag" is in the top three of the most popular resorts for trekking.