Я имею абсолютную уверенность в том,что приеду и хотел бы уточнить некоторые вопросы. Если вас не затруднит ,скажите, пожалуйста, если я планирую оплатить уже по приезду, нужна ли предоплата?
I have absolute confidence that I will arrive and I would like to clarify some issues.If you do not complicate, please tell me if I'm planning to pay already on arrival, whether prepaid?
I have absolute confidence that I would come and I would like to clarify some of the questions. If you please, please tell me if I'm already planning to pay on arrival, you need Prepayment
i have absolute confidence that i would like to clarify some questions. if you don't mind, could you please tell me if i plan to pay on arrival, the need for a down payment?