Официальных данных о международных поставках оружия нет, при этом отсутствует всеобъемлющая информация, на основе которой можно было бы провести такой анализ. Тем не менее, согласно подсчетам, объем международ-ных поставок оружия, измеренный в долларах по курсу 1999 года, возрос с 43,7 млрд долл. США в 1996 году до 56,9 млрд долл. США в 1997 году, а затем вновь снизился до уровня 46,8 млрд долл. США в 1998 году. Хотя эта сумма и состав-ляет лишь небольшую долю от общего объема военных расходов, она включает расходы, составляющие значительную часть ВНП некоторых стран.
Стоимость этих поставок была бы выше, если бы имелась возможность учесть те сделки, которые сводят к минимуму непосредственное расходование запасов иностранной валюты на основе использований льготных цен, займов, взаимного зачета обязательств и встречных поставок. Совместные соглашения между страной-поставщиком и получателем и лицензионные соглашения о про-изводстве страной-получателем также играют важную роль в поставках оружия и военной техники.
Results (
English) 1:
Official data on international arms transfers, no, there is no comprehensive information on the basis of which it would be possible to hold such an analysis. However, it is estimated that the volume of international arms transfers, measured in dollars of the year 1999 rose from 43.7 billion dollars. United States in the 1996 year to 56.9 billion dollars. United States in 1997, and then decreased to the level of 46.8 billion dollars. United States in the year 1998. Although this amount and composition-ING only a small percentage of the overall level of military spending, it includes costs that make up a significant portion of GNP in some countries.The cost of these supplies would have been higher if it had been possible to take into account those transactions which minimize the direct expenditure of foreign exchange reserves on the basis of the usages of preferential prices, loans, mutual offset obligations and counter supplies. A joint agreement between the supplier and the recipient and licensing agreements on production by the recipient country also play an important role in the supply of arms and military equipment.
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Results (
English) 2:
Official data on international arms transfers there, thus there is no comprehensive information on the basis of which it would be possible to conduct such an analysis. However, according to estimates, the volume of international arms transfers-tion, measured in US dollars at the rate of 1999, increased from US in 1996 to $ 56.9 billion to $ 43.7 billion.. In 1997, and then fell back to the level of $ 46.8 billion. in 1998. Although this amount and composition, one to only a small fraction of the total military spending, it includes expenses that make up a significant part of GDP in some countries.
The cost of these supplies would be higher if it were possible to take into account those transactions that minimize the direct spending of foreign reserves currency through the use of preferential prices, loans, mutual obligations and offset counter deliveries. Joint agreement between the country of the supplier and the recipient of the license agreements and the pro-duction of the recipient country also play an important role in the supply of weapons and military equipment.
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