У моего лучшего друга день рождение и я очень хочу сделать ему необычный подарок. Хочу создать видео, где люди из разных стран поздравляют его) Если вы поможете, то это будет очень здорово.
My best friend's birthday and I really want to make him an unusual gift. Want to create a video, where people from different countries to congratulate him)If you help, it will be very cool.
My best friend's birthday and I really want to give him a special gift. I want to create a video, where people from different countries congratulate him) If you can help, it will be very cool.
my best friend's birthday, and i really want to give him a gift. i want to create a video where people from different countries, they greet him)if you help, it will be very great.