1. Городок располагался в долине по соседству с быстрой гиппт|г) холод translation - 1. Городок располагался в долине по соседству с быстрой гиппт|г) холод English how to say

1. Городок располагался в долине по

1. Городок располагался в долине по соседству с быстрой гиппт|г) холодной речкой. 2. Уже несколько лет он работает над новым двигателем, и его единственное желание — завершить эту сложную работу. 3. Существует специальная отрасль науки, которая предсказывает будущее. 4. Я был бы вам очень благодарен, если бы вы объяснили мне, что от меня требуется. 5. Кто поставляет компьютеры и другое оборудование в вашу школу? 6. По выражению лица мальчика я понял, что тот нервничает. 7. «Не приставай ко мне со своими вопросами!» — сказал брат раздраженно. 8. Разнообразие языков, существующих в мире, столь велико, что невозможно знать их все. 9. Молодчина! Ты сегодня помыл посуду очень быстро. Это настоящий рекорд. 10. Я сделаю то, о чем вы просите, но только в том случае, если вы будете настаивать на этом. 11. Современные роботы имеют огромное преимущество: это машины, практически обладающие интеллектом. 12. Учитель не должен быть равнодушным к успехам своих учеников. 13. Некоторое время тому назад в моде были поношенные джинсы и вылинявшие (^айей) футболки. 14. На всякий случай давай оставим маме записку о том, что мы ушли в кино, она всегда нервничает, когда не знает, где мы. К тому же уже довольно поздно.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
1. The town was situated in a valley adjacent to the fast gippt | g) cold creek. 2. For several years he worked on the new engine, and his only desire - to complete this complex work. 3.There is a special branch of science that predicts the future. 4. I would be very grateful if you explained to me that I need to do. 5. Who supplies computers and other equipment in your school? 6.In the words of the boy's face, I knew he was nervous. 7. "Do not bother me with your questions!" - Said his brother irritably. 8. Diversity of languages ​​in the world, is so great that it is impossible to know them all. 9.Attaboy! Today you washed the dishes very quickly. This is a true record. 10. I'll do what you ask, but only if you insist on it. 11. Modern robots have a huge advantage:this machine, almost artificial intelligence. 12. The teacher should not be indifferent to the success of their students. 13. Some time ago, were in fashion worn jeans and faded (Aya
) t-shirts. 14.Just in case, let's leave her mother a note saying that we went to the movies, she is always nervous when you do not know where we are. Besides already quite late.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
1. small town situated in the valley close to the fast gippt | g) Cold River. 2. for several years, he was working on a new engine, and his only desire is to complete this complicated job. 3. There is a special branch of science that predicts the future. 4. I would be very grateful if you would have you explained to me that I need to. 5. who supplies computers and other hardware in your school? 6. In the words of the boy's face, I realized that he is nervous. 7. "No pristavaj to me with your questions!" said brother exasperated. 8. the diversity of languages in the world, is so great that it is impossible to know all of them. 9. Good Egg! Today you wash pots very quickly. This is a real record. 10. I'll do what you ask, but only if you insist on this. 11. modern robots have a huge advantage: This machine, with intelligence. 12. the teacher should not be indifferent to the success of their students. 13. some time ago in fashion were well-worn jeans and the year that molted (
ajej) t-shirts. 14. Just in case, let's leave her a note that we went into the movie, she's always nervous when we didn't know where. Besides the already quite late.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
1. The town is located in the valley adjacent to the quick гиппт|g) cold river for rice field. 2. For several years now he is working on a new engine, and his only desire is to complete this complex work. 3.There is a special branch of science, which is predicting the future. 4. I would be very thankful to you, if you would be explained to me that you want from me. 5. Who provides computers and other equipment in your school? 6.The expression person boy i realized that the most keenly. 7. "Not приставаи to me with their issues!" - said he was not happy. 8. Diversity of languages, existing in the world, is so great that it was impossible to know them all. 9.Молодчина! Do you today just washed utensils very quickly. This is the present record. 10. I will make it, as you ask, but only if you insist on this. 11. Modern robots are a great advantage.This machine, virtually nuclear intelligence. 12. A teacher should not be indifferent to progress their students. 13. Some time ago in fashion were frayed jeans and вылинявшие (
аиеи) t-shirts. 14.Just in case let's leave your mum a note on that, we have gone to the cinema, it is always nervous, when does not know where we are. The same is already quite late.
Being translated, please wait..
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