Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? – Ничего особенного. Все так поступают в translation - Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? – Ничего особенного. Все так поступают в English how to say

Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? – Нич

Ты понимаешь, что ты наделал? – Ничего особенного. Все так поступают в подобных случаях. 2. Всегда она со всеми ссорится! Я уверена, что по соседству нет ни одного человека, с кем бы она хоть раз не поссорилась. 3. Где же ты был все это время? Мы искали тебя повсюду. 4. О чем ты думаешь, Изабелла? – так, ни о чем. 5. Я рад сообщить вам, доктор Мэнсон, что большинством голосов комитет решил остановить свой выбор на вас. 6. А где они сейчас? Ты с ними переписываешься? – Да, конечно. Но что-то давно от них не было писем. 7. Ты весь день на ногах! Пора и отдохнуть. 8. Мы работаем вместе уже пятнадцать лет и привыкли понимать друг друга. 9. Я слышал, вы многого добились в жизни. 10. Тони, она плачет. Ну, успокой ее, скажи ей что-нибудь. 11. Я давно собиралась зайти к вам, да все как-то не было времени. 12. Что вы здесь делаете? Разве вы не знаете, что здесь опасно оставаться во время работы реактора? 13. Вы даете мне понять, что все эти долгие месяцы я напрасно тратил время? 14. Ты не слушаешь, что я говорю. Что с тобой случилось, 15. Хозяин гостиницы предупредил меня, что, если моей жене не станет лучше, нам придется съехать. 16. «Я не могу выставить эту картину, - сказал художник. – Я вложил в нее слишком много своей души.
From: Russian
To: English
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
You realize that you made? -Nothing special. All do in these cases. 2. She Always quarrels with everybody! I am sure that in the neighborhood there is nobody with whom she did not once quarreled. 3. Where have you been all this time? We searched for you everywhere. 4. What do you think, Isabella? -so, about anything. 5. I am pleased to inform you that Dr. Manson that the majority of votes, the Committee decided to choose you. 6. And where are they now? You correspond with them? -Yes, of course. But something long letters from them before. 7. you're on your feet all day! It's time to relax. 8. We have been working together for 15 years and used to understand each other. 9. I heard you have achieved in life. 10. Tony, she cries. Well, calm her, tell her anything. 11. I was going to come to you, yes all the time. 12. What are you doing here? Don't you know that it is dangerous to remain in the reactor? 13. you give me to understand that all these long months I spent time in vain? 14. you're not listening to what I say. What happened to you, 15. Hotelier warned me that if my wife will not get better, we'll have to move out. 16. "I can't stand this painting, the artist said. -I put into it too much of its soul.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Do you realize what you've done? - Nothing special. Everyone else is doing in such cases. 2. Always it with all the quarrels! I am sure that in the neighborhood there is no one with whom she has ever quarreled. 3. Where have you been all this time? We were looking for you everywhere. 4. What do you think, Isabella? - So about anything. 5. I am pleased to inform you, Dr. Manson that a majority vote of the committee decided to opt for you. 6. Where are they now? You rewrite them? - Yes of course. But something from them for a long time there was no letter. 7. You're on your feet all day! It's time to relax. 8. We have worked together for fifteen years, and used to understand each other. 9. I've heard, you have achieved a lot in life. 10. Tony, she was crying. Well, soothe her, tell her anything. 11. I've been going to come to you, that you somehow did not have time. 12. What are you doing here? Do not you know that it's dangerous to stay during reactor operation? 13. You give me to understand that all these long months I wasted time? 14. You do not listen to what I say. What happened to you, 15. The innkeeper warned me that if my wife will not get better, we will have to move out. 16. "I can not put this picture - the artist said. - I put into it too much of his soul.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Do you understand, what have you done? - Nothing special. All so come in such cases. 2. Always it with all doth curse! I am confident that nearby there is not a single person, with whom would it not at least once husband arose. 3.Where do you have been all this time? We've been looking for you everywhere. 4. What are you thinking about, Isabella? - For example, neither the than. 5. I am pleased to inform you that Dr. Manson, that by a majority of votes the committee has decided to stop its choice for you. 6. And where they are now?You're with them переписываешься? - Yes, of course. But that is a long time from them was not letters. 7. You have the entire day on the legs! It is time to relax. 8. We are all working together is already fifteen years and are accustomed to understand each other. 9. I have heard,You have achieved a great deal in life. 10. Tony, she is crying. Well, thou wilt also do it, say it with something. 11. I have long had intended to go to you, yes all as it does not have time. 12. What you're doing here? Don't you know,That is dangerous to remain here during the reactor's operation? 13. You are giving me to understand that all these long months I spend wasted time? 14. You do not listen, that I am saying. That has happened to you, 15. Hotelier warned me,That, if my wife does not become better, we will have to pull off. 16. "I set this picture, - said artist. - I had invested in it too much its soul.
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