Сегодня услышала неприятную новость о случившейся ситуации в анталии Я очень растроилась Когда же это закончится?! Да хранит вас всех аллах, вас и вашу семью Берегите себя
Today I heard a nasty spill news situation in AntalyaI am very rastroilas′When will it end?!May God keep you all, you and your familyTake care of yourself
Today I heard the bad news about the situation which occurred in Antalya I am very rastroilas When will it end ?! bless you all to Allah, you and your family Take care of yourself
today i heard the news about that situation in antalyai really get upsetwhen this is over? !god bless you all and god, you and your familytake care of yourself