Одним из приемов, перешедших из литературы в кинематограф, причем став от этого только ярче, является аллюзия. Кино-аллюзия использует не только и не столько текст, сколько объемное визуальное изображение.
One of the techniques promoted literature in cinema, and becoming of the brighter is the allusion. Movie-allusion uses not only and not so much text as three-dimensional visual image.
One of the methods that have fallen from literature to cinema, and became from it only brighter, is an allusion. Cinema uses an allusion not only and not so much the text as a visual three-dimensional image.
one of the techniques, the transition of literature in the cinema, and becoming the only bright is allusion. movie allusion uses not only the text, how big the visual image.