Мы празднуем новый год 31 декабря. Праздник наступает в 12 часов ночи. Сначала все слушают поздравление президента,а потом пьют шампанское и идут гулять с близкими.
We celebrate the new year on December 31. The holiday occurs in 12:00 night. First listen to the President, and then drink champagne and go for a walk with friends and family.
We celebrate the New Year on December 31. The holiday begins at 12 o'clock in the morning. Please listen to all the greetings of the president, and then drink the champagne and go for a walk with friends.
we celebrate the new year on december 31. the holiday comes at 12 o'clock in the morning. first, all listen to the message of president, then drink champagne and go out with friends.