Оплата, как обычно, взаимозачётом. Будет отражена в балансе.
Какая ещё информация требуется?
2015-10-28 19:49 GMT+07:00 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com :
По данным - от вас жду, вчера написали "Выписку согласовываю", больше от вас информации не было.
По другим - сроки позволяют, сделаем позже. Сейчас важно разрулить ситуацию с отелями/заявками/туристами, которые от вас забронированы и отдыхают с 31/10
28.10.2015 15:25, Nasha Planeta Travel пишет:
Есть ли информация по данным и другим билетам.
27 окт. 2015 г. 21:48 пользователь "i.korolkova@bgoperator.com" написал:
Алексей, во вложении подтверждение.
Выписка завтра, согласуйте по выписке условия.
27.10.2015 15:31, Nasha Planeta Travel пишет:
Подходит, подтверждают.
27 окт. 2015 г. 18:34 пользователь "i.korolkova@bgoperator.com" написал:
1 SU 271N 29OCT 4 BKKSVO HK3 1015 1610
Стоимость - 425 долларов на пассажира.
Тайм лимит - 12:00 28 октября.
Алексей, посмотрите, подойдет так.
27.10.2015 07:46, Nasha Planeta Travel пишет:
Добрый день, Ирина.
Александр сообщил, что необходимо приостановить функционирование офиса.
Весь функционал в части наземного обслуживания и бронирования будет
остановлен 30/10/2015, так как 31/10 необходимо вносить оплату за размещение сотрудников и аренду офиса, а данной возможности нет.
В приложенном файле информация по вылетам сотрудников.
Части сотрудников необходимо будет вылетать из Хошимина, так как у них
остались там личные вещи.
Просим рассмотреть возможность сделать билеты с возможной
бесплатной аннуляцией и переносом даты для тех, у кого вылет в середине
декабря из Хошимина с тем, что бы у них была возможность трудоустроиться.
Results (
English) 1:
Payment, set-off, as usual. Will be reflected in the balance sheet. What information is required?10/28/2015 19:49 GMT +07:0000 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com :According to data from you waiting, yesterday wrote "Extract agree", more information was not. Other terms allow, will do later. What is important now is often situation nu/applications/tourists, who from you booked and the rest with 31/1028.10.2015 15:25, Nasha Planeta Travel writes:Irina, Is there any information on data and other tickets. 27 Oct. 2015 g. 21:48 user "i.korolkova@bgoperator.com" posted by:Alexey, attachment confirmation. Statement tomorrow, agree to the terms and conditions statement.Irina27.10.2015 15:31, Nasha Planeta Travel writes:Fit, confirm. 27 Oct. 2015 g. 18:34 user "i.korolkova@bgoperator.com" posted by:* VAIQZL "/ 1.1 BOYTCOV/ALEXANDR * ADT 2.1 MUSATOV/MAKSIM * ADT 3.1 KIM/YULIA * ADT 1 SU 4 BKKSVO 29OCT 271N HK3 1015 1610 The cost is $ 425 per passenger. Time limit-12:00 28 October. Alex, look, alike. 27.10.2015 7:46, Nasha Planeta Travel writes:Good day, Irina.Alexander said that it is necessary to suspend the operation of the Office.All features in a part of the ground maintenance and bookings will bestopped 10/30/2015 since 31/10 you must make payment for the accommodation of employees and office rent, and this is not possible.In the attached file information on stopping the employees.Part of the staff, it will be necessary to depart from Ho Chi Minh City, because they havestayed there personal things.Please consider making the tickets with possiblefree annulâciej and moving the date for those who depart in mid-December from Ho Chi Minh City with what they would have been able to find a job.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 2:
Payment is usually netting. Will be reflected in the balance sheet.
What other information is required? 2015-10-28 19:49 GMT + 07: 00 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com
According to the data - you are waiting, yesterday wrote "Extract is agreed", more from you the information was not. On the other - time permits, we'll do later. Now it is important to correct situation with hotels / applications / tourists who have booked and from the rest with 31/10 28.10.2015 15:25, Nasha Planeta Travel writes Irina Is there any information on these and other tickets. October 27. 2015 21:48 User "i.korolkova@bgoperator.com"
Alex, the attachment confirmation.
Extract tomorrow, an agreement on the conditions of discharge. Irina 27.10.2015 15:31, Nasha Planeta Travel writes: Suitable confirm. October 27. 2015 18:34 User "i.korolkova@bgoperator.com"
1 SU 271N 29OCT 4 BKKSVO HK3 1015 1610 Cost - $ 425 per passenger. Timelimits - 12:00 October 28. Alex look, fit well. 27.10.2015 07:46, Nasha Planeta Travel says: Good day, Irina. Alexander said that it was necessary to suspend the operation of the office. All the functionality in terms of ground handling services and the booking will be stopped 10.30.2015, as 31/10 need to make payment for the accommodation of staff and office rent, and this is not possible. In the attached file information on the departures of employees. Some of the employees will be required to fly from Ho Chi Minh City, as they have remained there personal belongings. Please consider making a possible tickets free cancellation or postponement of the date for those who fly in the middle of December of Ho Chi Minh City so that they would have had the opportunity to find a job.
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 3:
and, as usual, взаимозачётом. will be reflected in the balance sheet.
what other information is required.
by 10 28 19: 49 gmt 0700 i.korolkova @ < > @ bgoperator.com bgoperator.com i.korolkova:
according to the - waiting for you yesterday wrote, "the statement согласовываю"more information from you was not.
on other dates can do later. now it is important to handle the situation with the hotels / applications / tourists who from you booked and resting on 31 / 10
28.10.2015 15, 25, Nasha planeta travel writing:.irina
there information on data and others.
27 oct. the year of 2015. 21: 48 user "i.korolkova @ bgoperator.com" < > @ bgoperator.com i.korolkova wrote: "alexei, attached the confirmation.
statement tomorrow check discharge conditions.
27.10.2015 15: 31, Nasha planeta travel writing:
is confirmed.
27 oct. the year of 2015. 18: 34 user "i.korolkova @ bgoperator.com" < > @ bgoperator.com i.korolkova wrote:
3.1KIM / YULIA * adt
1 are 271N 29OCT 4 BKKSVO HK3 1015 1610
the value of - 425 dollars per passenger.
time limit to 12 pm on 28 october.
alexei, look good.
27.10.2015 07: 46, Nasha planeta travel writing:
hello, irina
alexander reported.the need to suspend the operation of the office.
the functionality part of ground service and booking will be
stopped 30 / 10 / 2015.as of 31 / 10 it was necessary to pay for accommodation and rental of office staff, but this possibility is not.
in the attached file information on вылетам staff.
part of the staff should be ejected from ho chi minh city, as they were the personal stuff
please consider making the tickets with possible
free аннуляцией and reversal date for thosewho's in the middle of
december from ho chi minh city so that they had the opportunity to find work
Being translated, please wait..